Chapter Sixteen🕊📝

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Cold Cold man by that bitch ass nigga that faked two hate crimes

I stand far away from my father as he stares at me with drunken rage ready to come to the surface

"What did I do this time Dad" I say and he laughs as he shakes his head and paces Mr.Dickinson's office angrily

" think just because you married that white woman that you can stand up to me like you did? Not to mention I specifically wanted you to marry a black we're going to deal with half breeds in the family" He spits angrily towards me

"I didn't know she was white till I got here Dad....and what does her race matter, I'd love her the same if she was like us" I say raising my voice slightly

"You need a woman that will stand down.....a woman that will be at your knees and come when called for and leave when told...not some woman that's going to boss you around like some slave the rest of your life!" My Father yells angrily, I look around feeling irritated that someone could hear

Especially Emily

"She won't control me and I don't wish to control her like you want me too.....what? Are you mad you didn't get your white woman and got stuck with mom and I...your darky child as you call me to your white buddies" I yell causing my father to look at me amused and surprised

"You have some balls now son...maybe your wife made you a man instead of bitch" He slurs in a laugh and I ball my fists, he looks down at my hands and laughs like something is funny

"If your going to do something then do it son....unless your still a bitch...a little girl like you wanna be" He yells and taunts

"I'm not the bitch are" I say and my father's demeanor changes as he gets up from his spot on the desk

"What did you say boy" He says threateningly and I chuckle as I feel braver suddenly

"I said your the bitch....I've taken your shit for years and I'm sick of it" I say through gritted teeth as I step towards my father who's now looking up at me

Gilded Lilly starts playing........

"These white people got you feeling brave...they got your speech all wound up, making you sound ignorant and your posture unaligned, I raised you to be the perfect man and you sit here an defy me you ungrateful-

"YOU RAISED ME TO BE WHITE! Matter of didn't even raise me...Mom did!..I learned how to be a man from her not wanted your son to be the perfect negro..the one who can marry a white woman and help you financially since you couldn't help yourself" I yell at him causing him to clench his jaw in anger

"Say one more thing and I'm going to hit you so hard..yo black comes off" My father says in a low voice but I don't let up on him

"Oh look who's roots are coming out in his speech....maybe your just mad that you didn't marry a white woman....maybe it's the fact that you can't stand that I'm always gonna be a better man, always better than you...and I'm not even a man....go on Uncle wanna be a white man so terribly-

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