Chapter Twenty-One📝🕊

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Jealousy Jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo

I watch Jane read the lines of a play we're doing, my stare is full of anger and I want to hit her so badly but I can't or I'll be lectured by my parents and Austin

"Can we take a throat hurts" Jane complains for the fifth time and everyone agrees and puts their scripts down

"Emily...where is your husband's office...I need to ask him for help with my throat" Jane asks suggestively and I clench my jaw in anger as my hands turn to fists

"He uh working...he's a very hardworking man that needs his time...alone, so leave him alone" I say through gritted teeth

"But he said that we could ask him if we needed anything..and I need something" Jane replies cluelessly and I smile at her

"Well then I guess you'll have to find it yourself...or deal with your throat pain...I'd love to add to it with my fist" I say with the last part being under my breath

"Aren't you suppose to be helping with the house" Toshiaki says causing me to look from Jane to him

"Excuse me" I say and Toshiaki just shrugs

"I mean...your the housewife....your letting your man do everything" He says and I sigh as I try not to get even more angry

"He wanted too...and I will not tell him what to do and what not to do" I say and they all gasps dramatically

"What happened to you he controlling" Abby asks as she touches my wrist with concern

"No he's just really sweet...and amazing, he lets me be myself and...he's really good at cooking" I say happily and I see Lavinia smiling harder as I speak

"He also a very good horseback rider" Austin says and I see George roll his eyes after we both speak

"Well your one lucky girl" Abiah says as she takes a bit of the bread Kingsley made, she groan in pleasure causing us all to look at her uncomfortably

"He is a good cook!...this bread has chocolate in it" She says and I smile a bit, Toshiaki and Abby look at each other before digging into the food and humming in agreement

"You just have the dream husband don't you" Jane says and I look at her with a smile

"Yes I do...he's an amazing husband" I say confidently and Jane just smiles at me condensingly

"Well..I wish I had that...with my husband of course" She says and I clench my jaw as I try to keep calm, I look to Austin who's sinking in his seat and trying to stay out of this and Lavinia is digging into the chips and salsa

"But I- oh Kingsley we were just talking about you....I have a throat pain that I need fixed" Jane says causing me to look over and see Kingsley walk past the room, she looks up and smile at everyone causing my smile to appear again

" you need some water? I'll go get you some" She says as she goes to walk towards the kitchen

"No no...let me come with you' Jane says as she gets up and Kingsley looks at her strangely

"No?...I got it...Emily you want me to make you something" Kingsley says looking at Jane in confusion before looking at me

"Oh no...I'm good..thank you" I say while batting my eyes, she looks at me with a raised eyebrow

"Ok...darling come here" Kingsley says as she takes my hand and pulls me towards her

"What is it darling" I ask as she puts her hands firmly on my waist and I feel my body immediately react

I put my hands on her chest and caress her collarbone that's exposed slightly, I feel her goosebumps under my fingertips as she stares at me intently

"Is that Jane girl bothering you" She asks and I frown

"How did you-

"I heard how she was speaking about me....and trying to provoke you...wanna make her shut up" Kingsley says while smirking

"Id love that" I say while smiling back

"Well Emily....I hope things are good over here..I'll go get Jane's water" She says out loud so that everyone hears

"Ok my strong solider" I say dreamily causing Kingsley to smile widely, I see her look behind causing me to do the same and see Jane looking at us with a smirk

I go to speak but Kingsley cups my face and pulls it towards hers

"Can I kiss you" She asks and I nod

Kingsley immediately pulls me into her and kisses me passionately and I feel my knee go weak, I hear a faint gasp causing me to smile slightly into the kiss

"Mmm ok...let me go love" I say as we pull away, Kingsley bites her lips as she looks at me before walking to the kitchen

I turn to everyone and see they are looking at me shocked, I smile as see Jane's face is now sad and looking towards the floor

That's right bitch...that's my wife

Kingsley comes back and gives Jane her water before looking at me with a mischievous look and I do the same as I watch her walk back to her office

I sigh as I remember now that she definitely saw the poem and hasn't done much, that kiss was only to mess with Jane...not to actually kiss me

I sit down sadly next to George who looks at me worriedly, I feel his hand grab mine and smile at him before looking back to the group and moving my hand

The read through continues without out much of a fuss but George is being more friendly today than his normal flirty ways, I usher everyone out with Abby, Toshiaki and Abiah taking some of the food and thanking Kingsley

"Well...that's went well....minus Jane trying to flirt with my husband" I say as Kingsley chuckles and pulls me closer, I close my eyes in content as I feel her lips on my forehead

"Well she's not I don't want her" She says and I smile and look at the floor with a blush coming up on my face

"Yea....but uh Kingsley....why didn't you have Emily cook...kinda weird" George says causing me to look at him confused

"Because I wanted to'll understand if you got a wife, and stop flirting with mine" Kingsley says causing me to look from George to her

I see her face is tight and her eyes are filled with jealousy, the same jealousy she had for Sue

"I- I don't flirt with your wife....she's my friend and in love with you" George says with bitterness in his tone when he mentions me being in love with Kingsley

"Mmm...sure...because friends hold each other's hands and kiss their hands when they greet them...or try to since Emily stops you every time" Kingsley replies angrily as I feel her hand become more secure on my waist


"Leave my home George" She says

"Kingsley...he's just being an asshole, please calm down" I say trying to defuse the situation

"Yea..and I'm Emily's friend not I won't leave unless she tells me-

"Leave George" I say immediately causing his smug face to drop and his arms do the same

"W-what" He says and I sigh as I put my head into my wife's chest

"She said leave George" Austin says sternly and George looks at him before looking to us with a sad expression but I ignore it

He finally gets the hint and leaves in a huff, I feel Kingsley rub my back but my mind swirls with confusion

She got jealous...she likes me still...But I'm scared



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