Part 24

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The doctor walked into Courtney's room and he stands at the door just wondering how her life is going to be with her only living relative even though he is her only parent in case when she grows up, she going to ask where her mum is, and he is going to regret lying to her when she asks, he just quietly chuckles to himself and close the door, walks towards the console room wondering where the adventure is going to take them even if someone is going to be looking after Courtney for a while , he is wondering if K9 is willing to keep an eye on the TARDIS and those are in it as well.

it took some convincing K9 to come around to the whole of keeping an eye of everything whilst Leela and the doctor are going out to see what trouble that the universe  is going to throw at them.

Courtney starts to stir K9 noticed this and alerted the doctor" young mistress is starting to wake up", doctor replied" thanks K9, I'll go and get her when she wakes up properly and bring her in here to have some familiar faces that she knows so far", he walks over to Courtney's bedroom and she is currently looking at the ceiling and currently crying her eyes out because she is wondering where her dad is.

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