Part 33

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The doctor watches her while she is talking to K9, he looks at her like she was learning how to walk when she was little , then he realised that's she preferred the company of a tin dog and several companions that have come and gone while Courtney was growing up and he is missing those days when she used to follow him around the TARDIS or when she refused to stay in the TARDIS while he was attempting to save a planet from some form of a monster, he realised after a several attempts to make Courtney to stay in the TARDIS that she is defo a carbon copy of himself especially when it comes to her temper and stubbornness apart from having ginger hair which he doesn't know how she gets the hair colour from but he can't complain any way or form.

While Courtney is distracted the doctor walks over to the console and he puts the co-ordinates in for Gallirey, he keeps looking down at her while trying to make sure that they get to Gallifrey correctly and try not to go somewhere else like before  then the TARDIS made a thud sound the telling them that they have landed somewhere Courtney sensed that they have landed, she gets up from talking to K9 for several minutes but really she kept seeing what her dad was doing whilst talking to k9.

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