『Compatibility: Libra x Libra』

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Compatibility score overall: 75%


- Good emotional compatibility
- Love and strong bonds unites the two
- Mutual respect and understanding


- May be chaotic in arguments
- Both will be self sustained
- Compromising is difficult


The Libra-and-Libra interaction is one of the more natural and flowing of the same sign combinations. Libra is the "I relate" sign of the zodiac, and is analytical, connecting, and fair. Both will have negotiating and balancing natures that find ways to work together and make the relationship function in positive and helpful ways. Harmony and aesthetics are of utmost importance to Libra; two Libras together bring their magically balanced and beautiful touch to everything they do together. Libra is the Sign of Partnership; Libra loves to be in love, and two together spells relationship bliss. If they're just dating, they spend their time at romantic movies and coffee houses; if they're cohabiting, their house looks like an art gallery, full of the finest and loveliest of everything. This relationship may not be a burning, intense dynamic, but it can go the distance thanks to its appreciation for the welfare of and communication with the other person.


Libra is a cardinal air sign ruled by the planet Venus. This makes Libra and Libra love compatibility something to truly behold. Libra and Libra compatibility can be seen in the fact that they form one of the most understanding and agreeable relationships in the zodiac. Libra and Libra love matches are extremely well-balanced as well. They have a sense of harmony and aesthetics among them which they truly cherish and put effort into maintaining this harmony as well. Libra is a sign that is synonymous with partnership which is why when two Libras come together, magic happens. Libra, being a cardinal air sign, needs people to like them. This can pose some problems occasionally as they crave attention in even the direst of moments. This nature also dictates that they abhor conflict. When Libra-Libra love matches sense any conflict arising between the two, both of them try to immediately sort that out without wasting a moment. This makes Libra and Libra compatibility great. They understand what makes each other uncomfortable and seldom ask these things from their partners. They are sincere in their love as well. Another crucial element among Libra and Libra couples is that they are the happiest when they have someone to share their interests with. Since both of them have the same signs, they have at least some similar interests between them.


Being a cardinal sign, Libras possess the quality of trying out new things. Although they may lack initiativeness sometimes, they are always willing to discover and explore the unknown. They are also terrific motivators when it comes to their friendship, making Libra and Libra friendship compatibility quite strong. Libras are especially good at teamwork. They are ruled by Venus, after all. They also have a knack for intellectual conversations and keep an eye for good art. As friends, two Libras can spend hours appreciating a movie that they watched the night before. Libra and Libra friends have a good sense of judgement as well. In the zodiac, they are represented by the balancing scales, indicating how just they are in their judgements as well. Libra-Libra friendship enjoys diplomacy between them as well. These things make them incredible friends who share similar perspectives in similar fields of interest. In friendships and romance, they hold respect for each other and enjoy a blissful time with one another. They easily make one of the best friendships in the zodiac. The only thing that is of some concern is that they can spoil themselves to a fault.

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