Chapter 44: How To Save A Life

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Rydel POV

The vacation has been amazing. I've had so much fun! I love just enjoying time with family which is never boring with this clan. I slide my suitcase into the trunk and shut it.

"Are you ready to go back home?" Ell asks from behind me. I turn to him and nod. He grins. Even though there's problems there, I have to go through them. I can't run from them.

Rocky and Alexa come out with their bags and put them in Rocky's car. Rocky borrowed a real cool green and black mustang and he likes it. It's pretty cool.

Ryland and Savannah already left early this morning. Savannah has to go help The Heirs with their new EP. I'm excited for them!

"Do we have every thing?" Rocky asks looking at all of us. Then a grin grows on his face and he rushes and picks up Rosie.

"Hey my little sack of potatoes!" Rocky says making her laugh. I take a picture. Got to remember those moments.

Alexa grins and walks to Rocky and they embrace each other making me smile. I'm glad they're together. Ellington says Rocky is going to purpose to her soon! I can't wait!

Rosie embraces both Alexa and Rocky and they return it with a kiss on both of her cheeks making her cheeks rosy. That's why I named her Rosie anyways, because of her cheeks.

Ellington starts our car and honks. I turn to him and stick my tongue out. He smirks making me get chills and I roll my eyes turning back to Rocklexa and Rosie.

"Rosie is riding with us! No question!" Rocky says carrying Rosie to the mustang and she crawls in the back and puts her seat belt on as I watch her.

Alexa goes and gets in the passenger side, her belly bump is starting to show. I know Rocky is anxious about every thing and he's a good thinker. Hell, he is a deep thinker.

"Cmon! Hey Rocky question!" Ellington yells from inside the car out the window. Rocky walks over and yells back in his face making me laugh.

"WHAT YOU WANT?" Rocky yells.

"Wanna race since nobody goes on these roads? I mean, they're back roads anyways." Ellington suggests. I roll my eyes. Of course, boys love competition. I'm never surprised.

Rocky of course agrees. With that, Rocky goes and gets in his mustang making it make a room like a car in a nascar race. Boys boys boys. I get in the passenger seat and buckle my seat belt. I look at Ellington and he's smirking. "Be careful please." I warn him.

"I'm always careful Delly don't worry so much." He assures me. I sigh and look at my text from Alexa: the boys are so immature sometimes it's funny. I have a bad feeling though but I know it's just my nerves. I sigh. I also have that feeling but what ever.

We pull out and start driving. The boys wait a minute then bam! Rocky speeds down the back road. Ellington grins and speeds up and goes on the right side of Rocky. I catch a peak of Alexa and we grim at each other. She waves and I wave back.

"No interaction with the competitor!" Ellington teases me and I punch his arm. He smiles and shuts up and speeds down the road.

I open the sun roof and I stand up. The wind blows through my hair and it feels so good. I put my arms up and scream at the top of my lungs happily.

As I turn to look, suddenly, Ellington slams into the side of Rocky's car. I watch as Alexa's head flung forward into the wind shield and Rocky swerves off the road and I back inside the car and our car flips over and slams against Rocky's.

I close my eyes as glass shatters and everything changes in that moment.


Oh my god my head hurts. I open my eyes and examine the scenery around me. The car is back on his wheels in the ditch. I try to move my feet but a sting comes through and I bite my lip.

I look over at Ellington and he is out. The side of his head is bleeding and there's cuts and bruises on him already. I sigh and unbuckle my seat belt.

I felt soreness in every part of me as I moved. I ignore it though and look for Rocky and Alexa with Rosie.

I widen my eyes at the car. It's upside down with all the windows broke out. It's worse than Ellington and I's. I burst into tears and try to open my door. It won't budge.

I scream and take my shoe off. I take it and hit it against my window. The glass breaks and I get on my feet in my seat. Even though my ankles are killing me, I have to check on them. I have to.

I put my body outside the window and I fall out onto the road hard. I sigh and my thigh and arm is cut from glass bleeding. I don't focus on that. I get up and hop over to their car.

I get on my knees and bend down to the windows. Alexa looks horrible. Her head is bleeding worse than Ellington's and her neck is cut by her seat belt as if it was going to decapitate her. I break the glass and I put my hands under her as I unbuckle her and she falls into my arms.

I sigh and pull her out carefully. My arms are sore and I bite my lip. I hear movement and I look up to see Rocky was awake and hurrying to unbuckle himself. Probably to check on Alexa. I look in the back seat to see my Rosie.

Rosie's cheek is cut and her hands are scraped. But other than that, she looks okay. Thank god. I put my arms around her and unbuckled her. "Mom.. That's why we wear seat belts." Rosie whispers with her voice raspy. I smile and get her out of the car carefully sitting her down.

"Alexa..." Rocky frowns with tears in his eyes. I bite my lip holding back tears. "Please wake up... Okay, Alexa I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you okay? You can't die on me okay. I love you so much. Please please answer. Alexa will you marry me?" Rocky asks and gets out the box with the ring on it out of his pocket. His hands are shaking.

I look at Alexa. She opens her eyes slowly and smiles a little. Alexa slowly puts her hand on Rocky's. "Yes..... A million times yes." She manages to talk and Rocky smiles an bursts out crying and holds Alexa up to him and slides the ring on her finger. At this point, I want to cry.

I look over at Ellington. He's still out. I crawl over and break his window. I put my arms under his arms and drag him out and look at him. His pulse was slow. I sigh.

"Alexa? Alexa.... Alexa!" Rocky starts yelling and looks at her. She wasn't moving and I couldn't see the beat of her pulse on her neck. Oh my god. I stand up and get down beside Rocky.

I start doing CPR on her. I was crying at this point, and so was Rosie and Rocky. I stop and look at Alexa. My best friend.

"Time of death: Afternoon of June 12th. Alexa Dowd was engaged to Rocky Lynch. At her last moments, she was in love with Rocky. She was pregnant with their child-" I began.

"A girl.... It was a girl." Rocky interrupts. I bite my lip.

"Alexa was pregnant with their girl. I know that Alexa loved everyone she met and... May she rest in peace. " I cry hugging Rosie.

Rocky keeps playing with the ring on her finger and finally kisses her forehead. "I love you." He whispers then stares at her.

Finally, I hear sirens.


Happy Friday to you. Okay this chapter was so hard to write and trust me: the next chapter is worse. Way worse.

Good news: I GET TO GO TO CALIFORNIA! Yay I get to go to LA! So happy!

Bad news: THE LAST CHAPTER IS NEXT.... Are you ready?



QOTC: Who was close to tears or is crying right now?

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