Chapter 11: Baby Times

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Rydel POV

It's been three weeks since Rosie came into our lives. She's so cheery and talkative. Sometimes I talk to her in baby language and she replies which I have no idea what she is saying.

At night, when it's bedtime she starts screaming for no reason making me laugh and smile. She likes to be LOUD.

Ratliff has also got attached to her. Like a father daughter connection. When she's tired and needs a nappy wappy Ratliff always rocks her. Always.

Today, is my first day back at yoga. I can't wait! Mom is gonna watch Rosie so I can be by myself.

Ratliff POV

Today I'm going to visit my family and talk. Mostly. But my family wants to see Rosie also but Stormie wants to take care of her. Hm....

I drive Rosie over to the Lynch's. The whole time over there she was talking to her blanket. Mostly she was watching me.

When I got around the corner, I decided to just go visit my family. So I drive to my family.

When I arrive my mom sees Rosie and gets her out.

"Hiiii baby Rosie. I'm your nana. Can you say nana? You look like your da da. Yes you do yes you do!" My mom says. I roll my eyes and get her diaper bag.

When we go inside, we sit her on her back in the middle so she can see the ceiling fan. It fascinates her weirdly.

I go to the kitchen and eat with my dad while my mom watches Rosie.

"What's up paps?" I ask eating. He smiled.

"Nothing. How's being a dad feeling?" He asks. Suddenly I don't know.

"Hm..... I don't know. I guess proud." I say. Suddenly I hear her giggling. Boy she's like her momma.

Rydel POV

Halfway through the yoga session, my phone started vibrating. I pick up while still in the same position.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone quietly.

"Rydel where's Rosie?" My mom says panicky into the phone.

"I thought she was with you! Ratliff was suppose to drop her off." I say getting worried.

"He never arrived." She said. Suddenly I run out and hang up and call Ratliff.

It rang four times.

"Heyo this is Ratliff yo." He says answering the phone.

"WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU AND ROSIE?!" I yell into the phone surprising myself.

"She's with me.... At my parents." He says calmly.

"Ellington why didn't you tell me?! My mom was worried sick. Goodbye." I say hanging up frustrated.

Don't you usually call someone if you change plans?!

I finished yoga early and drove home and took a nap cause I needed to rest.

Ratliff POV

When we finished eating, I decided to take Rosie home and let her take her nap.

When I opened the door, Rydel was sleeping on the couch peacefully. I smiled and sat in the rocking car and rocked Rosie to sleep.

After that, I rubbed Rydel's head waking her up a little. She opened her eyes slowly.

"Hello sleeping beauty." I say smiling.

"Tell me when you change plans next time. Please." She says yawning.

"I'm sorry and I will. I love you." I say kissing her forehead.

"I love you more." She says smiling.

"If you say so." I say shrugging my shoulders.

I laid by her and went to sleep.


So.... You like it?!


Zayne! (Follow my Instagram @zcherron! :))

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