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Hello everyone!

"A fell first, B fell harder" does not mean that person B loves person A more. It's about A getting used to having this (seemingly) hopeless pining in the background 24/7 for a long time, while B is just hit by a truck with it all of a sudden.

-> fell first: The feelings have been suppressed for so long that it's like white noise to A. It's always there, but mostly manageable, a bruise that only hurts when you press on it.

-> fell harder: "If we don't get married tomorrow, I'll start biting people."

Welcome to my first Yoonmin fanfiction and my first fanfiction on Wattpad. The above quote from Unknown tempted me to write this story. My goodness, it's been ages since my last FF.... Back then still about Naruto and Galactic Football on Animexx. Have to get used to how this works with formatting and stuff. Yes, I am an old woman :D :D

Anyway, everyone here seems to do that as an introductory chapter. So:

- The characters are not mine. They are based(!) on the well-known idols Park Jimin and Min Yoongi of the K-pop band BTS.

- Nothing mentioned in this story is based on true events. It is purely fictional, for all those who, like me, are shipping this pairing.

- please behave decently in the comments.

- Yes, I write smut too. Judge me. I don't categorise in top or bottom. Ever thought that you can have more than one preference?

I could certainly write more here... But yes... Actually, all this should be obvious!

I hope you enjoy reading it <3

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