Cool Down

22 1 2

Warnung: Ü18 Smut


I held open the door of the taxi and Jimin slid through to the back seat before I dropped into the car too. I gave the driver the address.

With a nervous look, I glanced at Jimin, but he was looking out the window.

We were no longer holding hands now.

My head was spinning.

A thousand thoughts screamed at me at once and I couldn't place any of them exactly.

Had I interpreted the signs correctly?

Was this a good idea?

Were we both just drunk?

Had this just happened in the heat of the moment?

Was he already regretting it?

What would happen when we arrived home?

How had it come to this in the first place?

No matter what was about to happen, this was the question that concerned me the most.

How had it come to this?

For years I had dreamed of this situation. I had imagined when and where and how we would jump each other.

I imagined how it would feel.

How he would feel.

How he would taste.

How it would sound when he moaned with pleasure because of me.

How his eyes, veiled with desire, would look at me.

At the memory of all that I had just experienced live, it throbbed in my pants again and I shifted uneasily in my seat.

Again, I briefly looked inquiringly over at Jimin. He had propped his elbow on the window and rested his chin on his hand as he looked out into the city.

I'm sure he regretted it already...

I quickly looked away and examined my clasped hands in my lap instead.

Back to the question: How had it come to this?

I let the evening pass before my inner eye again. I tried to remember everything about Jimin and me.

We had drunk a little, yes. But not so much that we were both no longer sane. I knew it about myself and Jimin's still existing dancing skills also showed that he couldn't have drunk that much.

And he didn't taste drunk either.

So that wasn't the reason. At least not solely.

I remembered the looks he had given me from the dance floor. How he had kept eye contact while dancing to the music. As if he wanted me to watch him. As if he was dancing just for me.

Or was I imagining things?

Again I looked briefly at Jimin, but he continued not to look at me.

I remembered his impenetrable glances when I had danced with J-Hope and Namjoon. Like he was trying to keep a poker face. As if he didn't like something.

Had he been jealous?

Slowly I shook my head.

Why should he be jealous?

Why now all of a sudden?

Was he just trying to score fanservice points again by hitting on me live like that?

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