Black Swan

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Today we only had to shoot the individual parts of all the members and tomorrow we would shoot the group parts.

The elegant black and white outfits had a different style than we usually used. But I liked the allusion to the transformation from white to black swans.

We were able to shoot some scenes parallel to each other today as long as the rooms were acoustically unaffected by each other.

I had already finished my short scenes in the white outfit and the few scenes in the black outfit that I had together with J-Hope.

Now all I needed was my solo shot.

The team had decided that during this scene they wanted to have a shadow behind me that one of the other members should portray.

And by one of the others they meant Jimin. The idea was to create the same atmosphere as in his solo parts.

So now I was sitting here in the grand hall in front of the main stage, waiting for Jimin to finish his first solo recordings.

That meant I could watch him.

It were the takes where he wore the white suit. I had admired Jimin's dancing many times before, but this time you could see exactly that he was in his element. You could already feel it in the rehearsals, but here on stage, with the special atmosphere and the matching clothes, Jimin's movements were simply magical.

How could one move so controlled and powerful and yet so smoothly?

During the double turn, after which Jimin looked directly into the camera and then dived off, it finally took my breath away. I could see the look on Jimin's face on the monitor next to the cameras.


I had goose bumps.

The filming was over far too quickly, despite Jimin's repeated requests for a new run-through to make it even more perfect.

Jimin was about to go and change, after all he still had the part in black ahead of him, when the director stopped him.

"Could you help us with Yoongi's recording for a minute?"

"Ayshh... You're really taking everything out of me today."

Jimin took a big gulp from his water bottle and brushed his sweaty hair out of his face.

The sight made me swallow... hard.

"But I'd do everything for our Suga."

A mischievous grin played around his eyes as he looked over at me.

"Great, we need a shadow."

In the meantime, I had caught up with the two of them and listened to Jimin's instructions on how he was to portray the shadow.

Basically, he was to make a few appropriate dance moves in the light, directly in front of me, and thus cast a shadow on the wall behind me.


He was supposed to dance right in front of me.... While I was supposed to concentrate on rapping.

Would my poor heart be able to stand it?

I swallowed again and reminded myself to pull myself together. It had worked well all these years.

Fortunately, the blinding light behind Jimin helped a little to suppress the urge to look directly at him.

Nevertheless, I followed his every move out of the corner of my eye.

"Yoongi, in one take! Good job!"

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