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A knock.

"How about no?"

I lay on the sofa in my studio staring at the ceiling.

The shock of the shoot today still in my bones. I had fled here specifically so that the others would leave me alone.

But apparently someone had other plans.

I heard the door open and accurately threw a couch cushion in the direction of the door. The dull sound of the crash confirmed that I had hit the target. So it was one of those without reflexes.

I still didn't look up.

"You all right?"


I should have guessed that.

He was probably the only one who knew for sure that what happened earlier wasn't just fun for me.

"Do I look like that?"

I answered truthfully, self-ironically, and put an arm over my eyes in despair. I couldn't fool him anyway. He had already seen me at my lowest.

Tactfully, he closed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry I just left earlier."

I took my arm away from my face and finally turned my gaze to Namjoon.

He came a few steps into the room and sat down on my PC chair. Only then did he wave me off.

"Don't worry, I diplomatically ended the shoot after you left."

He grabbed a stress ball lying around and placed his feet on my small coffee table. I raised an eyebrow disapprovingly, but made no comment.

"During your action, enough photos were taken of you. They'll just edit it together afterwards. Fortunately, they can't publish anything that the management hasn't approved."

I gave a grumble and stared at the ceiling again. I hadn't invited him in, so I wasn't obliged to talk.

Namjoon was silent for a moment.

"Jimin was good for nothing anyway."

Shocked at his comment, I looked over at him again. I didn't really want to be interested in how Jimin had reacted after I had left... But of course I was interested. Who wouldn't?

Namjoon's face was adorned with a very amused grin.

"You gave the little one the shock of his life. He was unresponsive the whole way back and still didn't have a normal face colour."

He was obviously having a great time at the memory.


Ashamed, I turned my back on him and covered my face with my hands.

What had I done to deserve this?

How was I ever going to face Jimin again? Not to mention the other members?

"Well, shock might not be quite the right word. Holy moly, your kisses must be really good."

Was that recognition that resonated in his voice?

"Namjoon, what am I doing?"


"Still that bad?"

He had become serious again now. I turned back on my back and nodded.

"I just wasn't in the frame of mind today to let it bounce off me like I usually do."

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