Halloween 2

25 1 4

"Good, what do we play next?" I leant back casually.

J-Hope had picked himself up and reached for the cards.

"Who wants to draw?"

No sooner had he uttered the sentence than Tae reached for one of the cards.

"Mummy wrap." He read out."Wrap a team partner completely in toilet paper. The fastest team gets 3 points, the second-fastest team 2 points and the slowest team 1 point."

"Sounds simple." Jin looked around for the toilet rolls and finally spotted them next to the door. 

He handed out the rolls.

"That's almost unfair. Yoongi always stands so still that Team Yoonkook has an advantage."

Jimin laughed in amusement at V's comment.

"But he doesn't like to be touched. That cancels out the advantage." He then replied, still chuckling.
I stood up, placed my legs apart and stretched out my arms invitingly. I gave the two gossips a challenging look.

JK understood my gesture and came to me armed with a roll of toilet paper.

"Then it's good that Suga-hyung is in a team with me. His youngest dongsaeng is allowed to touch him without a second thought."

He leant on my shoulder with his elbow and tapped my cheek demonstratively with the tip of his index finger.

I let him have his way.

"Don't underestimate us, because we're still here too!" Jin jumped up and pulled RM behind him to an open space.

"Wrap me up properly, Namjoon!" He spread his arms out theatrically.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, but grabbed one of the rolls.

"You're welcome to wrap me up." V said to Jimin and joined us.

I noticed how Jimin tore his gaze away from JK and me and quickly grabbed one of the rolls.

"All right, are you ready?" J-Hope gave us all a thumbs up.

"Go go go!"

Jungkook knelt down and started wrapping my right leg. Meanwhile, I looked around at the other teams' techniques.

Jimin was working efficiently and had about the same speed as JK. My gaze lingered on his hands, which kept stroking Taehyung's clothes.

That feeling of jealousy again.

I quickly tore my gaze away.

Namjoon was tearing the toilet paper for the third time. Jin talked to him tirelessly and gave him tips.

In the meantime, JK had reached my waist, wrapped the toilet paper around it twice and tightened it. Then he grabbed a new roll and started on my left leg.

Jimin had decided to use the same roll for V's second leg and was now working his way from top to bottom. Halfway down the leg, he ran out of material and had to quickly attach a new roll to the rest of the used material.

Jungkook stuck to his strategy and started to wrap my arms from my hands up to my shoulders.

As soon as he had done this, Namjoon had finally finished with Jin's legs. He looked frantically back and forth between V and me, both of whom were already wrapped up twice as much, and quickly came up with a new plan.

He placed his arms close to his body and instructed RM to wrap his arms around his upper body.

"Hey, that's cheating!", remarked V, who had also noticed this. Jimin was wrapping his chest.

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