Birthday Present 2

17 2 3

Warning: Smut!


My eyes flashed to the clock. I'd been sitting here working for a good hour now.

Tiredness was slowly catching up with me.

Should I head to bed soon?

Had Jimin already gone to bed too?

Should I check whether the live had finished in the meantime?

I closed the tabs and shut down the PC.

The screen went black and I jumped in surprise.

The image of a person sitting casually on the sofa behind me was reflected in the blackness of the screen.

I took off my headphones and swivelled around in my chair.

"You scared me. How long have you been here?"

Jimin looked up from his mobile phone and then put it aside. He beamed at me with a mischievous grin.

"I didn't want to disturb you."

He reached for the champagne glass on the table, which was still half full, and emptied it in one go.

The bottle of champagne I had brought him earlier and some leftover cake stood just a little away from it.

The bottle was almost empty.


Jimin poured the rest of the champagne into his glass and another. I surmised that this was the glass I had used earlier.

Then he grabbed a plastic fork that was stuck in the cake and held it out to me.

I noticed from his movements that he was slightly tipsy.

I raised my eyebrows sceptically, but slid closer in my chair and leaned forward to eat the piece of cake.

"What are you doing here? You'd better go to bed. I'm sure your day is going to be quite exhausting."

Birthdays were always particularly busy for us.

I was delighted that he was here, but at the same time I was worried.

Jimin handed me my filled champagne glass.

"Aren't you happy to see me?"

Theatrically, he put on an offended expression.

I rolled my eyes and grinned with amusement.

"I'm always happy to see you."

I lifted the champagne glass to my lips and took a sip. Then I looked at Jimin expectantly again.

I wasn't quite buying the whole thing.

"I won't see you all day today."

He put his glass down and stroked his hands over his trousers indecisively.

I nodded.

All at once, he put his hands on his knees and stood up.

I watched as he took a few steps towards me.

Then he sat astride my lap, wrapped his hands around my neck and grinned sheepishly at me.

"At least I wanted to pick up my birthday present."

I was getting hot.

My body was still reacting to Jimin's closeness with unbridled desire.

"Who says I have a present for you?"

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