Relationship Roles

23 1 6

Warning: Smut!


During dinner, the mood loosened up a bit. We talked about our next trip to L.A. for the recordings of ON and about how exhausting the choreo was.

Afterwards we washed the plates and the used cooking utensils together, respectively Jimin washed and I dried so that my plaster didn't get wet.

After that we made ourselves comfortable on the sofa to play a little It Takes Two as planned.

"I'll take her."

On the spur of the moment, I used the controller to select the figure of the wooden doll with a blue yarn chignon. Jimin looked at me in surprise.

"What, it's obvious that I wear the pants here."

I smirked.

Jimin  pouted.

"Yeah, sure, you bet."

Nevertheless, he chose the figure of the clay doll.

"Are you surprised?" I asked, confused. "I mean, sure, you're probably the more graceful of the two of us and not such a lump of clay..."

"That's not it. I just though..-"

He interrupted me, but then stopped abruptly. Curious, I looked over at Jimin. His face was bright red.


His reaction was so out of the blue that I couldn't help but follow up. The color of his face darkened, if that was even possible.

"Nothing." He quickly waved of.

I raised my eyebrows doubtfully and sat up expectantly.

"I just thought... you'd assume I am the woman." He mumbled far too quickly.

Puzzled, I looked at him.

"Why would I do that? It's just a game-!"

When he avoided my gaze, it clicked. All of a sudden, I blushed, too.

"Um... I don't."

Unsure of the direction this conversation was taking, I thought carefully about my next words. We had just been talking about the fact that it was undetermined what this was supposed to be between us in the first place, and now we were talking about a possible distribution of roles? I could probe further now or just let it go at that.

"Would you like to be?"

Curiosity won out.

I was fully aware that the division into male and female parts was completely inappropriate for us. It was just easier to talk about the meaning behind it that way. I gave Jimin an inquiring look.

"I don't know."

He pulled his knees in, but now turned his gaze to me and eyed me.

"I can see myself doing both."

My mouth went dry.

Did he imply that he was thinking about sex with me? So about more than what we had already performed in sexual acts?

I felt the feeling of excitement spreading through me.

I swallowed.

"It's not like we have to commit to anything."

He nodded in agreement and started the game.


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