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I looked up from the hand on my wrist to the person dragging me behind him.

Jimin didn't look at me, but headed straight towards our tables. Once there, he gestured me to take a seat on a bar chair.

Perhaps gesturing was not the right term, because I more or less had no other choice, as he let go of me so violently that I had to stagger and look for support on a chair.

Meanwhile, he had grabbed one of the still-filled glasses, I realised it must have been mine, and downed its contents in one go.

Surprised, I raised an eyebrow, but didn't get a chance to say anything because Jimin turned to me and gently put a hand over my mouth to silence me.

He pushed himself between my legs and began to slide down me, swinging his hips.

I immediately felt a tingling sensation of desire.

The hand that had been on my mouth just a moment ago stroked slowly over my neck following his movement and stopped at the level of my chest when Jimin had arrived in a squatting position.

He looked steadfastly into my eyes and I recognised a deep determination in his.

His free hand stroked up my thigh, starting at my knee, and stopped just short of my crotch.

He bobbed once with the suggestion of coming back up, before standing up in an agonisingly slow movement.

Then he walked around me once slowly, but let his one hand linger on my chest until he was standing behind me. I felt his body against my back as he nestled against me and nibbled tenderly on my ear.

By now the others had noticed what was going on and were cheering Jimin on to continue.

But I was aware that this situation would be dangerous for me. When I felt Jimin's tongue gently run over my neck, I noticed something asking for attention in my pants.

"Jimin, you're drunk."

I gently grabbed his hand and wanted to make him stop with a light squeeze.

"I know."

He whispered in my ear, rounded me again so that he was now standing in front of me again.

Slowly he began to unbutton his shirt.

I followed the movements of his fingers with my eyes as if enchanted and could not take my gaze off his naked skin.

Only when he had opened the lowest button did I pull myself together and let my gaze slide up his upper body again.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw that V had the camera pointed directly at us. Fortunately, Jimin's exposed chest would not be visible from that angle.


Slowly, I lifted one leg onto the step of the bar chair to shield the view on my lap.

I forced myself to look Jimin in the eyes instead of continuing to stare at him lustfully.

His gaze tracked the movement of my leg and lingered briefly on my slowly bulging trousers before he looked me in the eye again with a mischievous grin.

He made a few lewd body rolls, guiding my hand up his belly to his chest, over his neck to his mouth.

His skin felt soft and warm under my fingers.

He kissed my fingertips.

Then he licked them and finally he sucked gently on the tip of my index finger.

"Jimin, stopp-."

I formed the words with my lips, but could not look away from his mouth.

I placed my free arm on my slightly bent thigh for further visual protection.

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