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How could you pull a stunt like that and then look like a cursed angel while sleeping?

I paced restlessly up and down in my studio.

I couldn't just leave Jimin lying on my sofa. In his condition, there was a high probability that tomorrow he would have no idea what had happened here.

How should I react if he woke up here?

To make matters worse, the filming of a new RUN BTS episode was scheduled for tomorrow. So we had to be fit and I certainly couldn't sleep here.

Not when he was so peacefully asleep in the same room.

Okay. Time to use the mountains of muscle I had painstakingly trained myself to carry Jimin to his room.

But how?

I awkwardly squatted down in front of the sofa and tried to somehow wrap his arms around my neck so I could give him a piggyback ride.

No chance.

Like a wet sack, Jimin plopped back on the sofa before I had even got up.

Then differently.

Carefully, I slid my arms under his knees and behind his back. With effort, I straightened up. He wasn't heavy, but it wasn't easy to lift this weight from my knees.

Jimin gave a low murmur and then nestled his head against my chest.

After all, his basic body tension was so high that I could simply carry him in this position without having to worry about bumping his head against anything.

It was a bit awkward to manoeuvre through the many doors, but somehow I managed to carry him out of the building.

Fortunately, the temperature outside was pleasant. The sudden contact with fresh air seemed to wake Jimin up briefly.

"Yoongi, were are we going?"

He murmured half asleep and snuggled even closer to me. My heart began to melt. Cute.

"I'll take you to your bed, it's better to sleep there." I replied gently.

"I'd rather stay with you." Jimin murmured back.

His eyes were already closed again and he was breathing evenly.

Apparently he had fallen asleep again. I stopped for a moment and looked at him. My heart had jumped a little at his words.

"I'd like you to stay with me, too." I whispered.

I looked at him for a second and then went on.

Of course, the others were already asleep. Jimin was currently sharing a room with Tae.

I briefly thought about taking him into my room. But this one I shared with Namjoon. And it would raise unpleasant questions. So I took him to his own room.

As quietly as possible, I opened the door and entered. Taehyung was fast asleep in his bed. Inwardly, I sent up a prayer that it would stay that way.

Carefully, I put Jimin down on his bed.

As I bent over to do so, he suddenly wrapped his arms around my neck.

His face was this close to mine again...

I carefully pulled my arm out from under his legs so that he was now lying half on his bed.

"Jimin, you have to let go of me."

I whispered and tried to loosen his arms. But he only tightened his grip and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.

An amused huff escaped me.

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