Birthday Present 1

20 2 4

I impatiently watched the movement of the clock.

Still two minutes to midnight. Not much longer and it would be Jimin's birthday.

We'd all been told not to turn up at Jimin's until after midnight this time. Marketing was really a bit daft...

Sometimes only a few of us were allowed to celebrate at all. Well, sometimes it wasn't possible for some of us to come round at night to congratulate others.

But we actually always tried.

One minute before midnight.

I swung my feet over the edge of the sofa to get ready.

His live stream was playing on my laptop in the background. He looked very cute again today.

I'd got some champagne and secretly baked a small cake. It wasn't anything fancy, but it looked really pretty.

I put a candle on top and made a heart around the candle with strawberry slices.

Originally I wanted to write the words *congratulations*, but I was too untalented for that.

At first I was worried about the heart being too obvious or bold, but ARMY would love it.

I was already looking forward to seeing what the cut-ups from this live would look like.

I took the cake and champagne and left my studio. Jimin was streaming from the streaming room in the main building, so my walk wasn't that far.

The others had already gathered in front of the room door and were waiting for the right moment.

JK checked the live and the reactions in the chat on his mobile phone.

"Ah, Suga-hyung! You thought of a cake?"

Taehyung patted me on the shoulder appreciatively.

"Is it from the management?"

He looked at the cake curiously. Now Jin and J-Hope also leaned forward to take a closer look at the cake.

"It doesn't look bought." J-Hope remarked.

"But the heart thing must have been a requirement. Maybe it's not supposed to look bought." Jin speculated.

They both looked pretty exhausted and you could tell from their reactions that they were actually too tired for all this.

But I was sure that as soon as they walked through the door, they would be Mr Sunshine and Mr World Wide Handsome to the fans again.

"Suga-hyung baked it himself."

Namjoon leaned against the wall and yawned.

He was still sceptical about what Jimin and I were doing, but hadn't said anything yet and hadn't mentioned it to the other members.

He was of the opinion that we should do it ourselves when we were ready.

Especially because it would have a big impact on the group dynamic.

Especially if it went wrong...
This time even more so than when I nearly died of heartbreak.

"Oh really?" Jin looked at me in amazement.

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