Earned it

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Warning: Smut!


I returned Jimin's kiss with a satisfied hum.

It tasted slightly salty from the tears he had shed just before. But I could feel that he was grinning happily throughout the kiss.

I was so delighted that I didn't realise how the strength in my arm, with which I was holding both our weights, was leaving me.

Suddenly I slipped away and we both bumped into each other a little roughly as the back of Jimin's head hit the parquet floor.

Fortunately, the fall hadn't been deep, but a pain shot through my stabilised shoulder.

I slowly rolled off Jimin and sucked in air through my teeth to breathe away the pain.

"Are you okay, Yoongi?"

Jimin's face appeared in my field of vision.

He looked at me worriedly.

"It's all right."

I endeavoured to grin wryly.

It's nice when the pain subsides.

I took another deep breath in and out and finally managed a cheerful smile when the pain had eased.

As I did so, I noticed something warm running down my chin. Astonished, I lifted my hand and wiped it off.

I looked at my bloody fingers in surprise. Only now did I feel the slight pain on my lip.

"You bit me!"

Stunned and slightly reproachful, I looked at Jimin.


He mumbled. I raised my hand and laughed as I tousled his hair.

"It's not your fault."

Now Jimin joined in with a happy laugh.

Music to my ears.

He slowly leant down to me and licked my bruised lip. Then he kissed me gently.

So gently.

The mood shifted.
The innocent kiss intensified and became longer.

I could feel a cosy warmth spreading through my stomach and the desire slowly rising inside me.

Jimin's hand went under my jumper.

His touch made me tremble with pleasure.

He impatiently climbed on top of me without interrupting our kiss. Then he slipped his second hand under my pullover and wanted to take it off, but I held him back.

I could feel that his desire was just as deep as mine, but I slowly pushed his hands back and straightened up slightly.

"Not here."

I gasped breathlessly and looked towards the door, through the window of which we could be seen only too well.

Jimin's gaze followed mine and he understood.

The next moment, he looped his arms under my armpits and lifted me up.

I reflexively wrapped my legs around his hips and looked at him in surprise.

I knew that he was quite muscular, but I had never seen Jimin lift anyone before.

It was usually him who was picked up and carried around.

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