Christmas Date 1

22 3 0

Something gently stroked my cheek and slowly pulled me out of the cosy silence of sleep.

I frowned unwillingly and tried to drift off into my dream again. But another caress, this time over my nose, stopped me.

I was about to grumble in disgruntlement when something soft and warm touched my lips.

As quickly as it had come, the feeling disappeared again.

"Yoongi, wake up."

Of course it was Jimin.

The events of last night slipped back into my consciousness.

Jimin had said he had feelings for me.

A pleasant tingling sensation spread through my stomach and flooded me with happiness hormones. I was immediately wide awake, but didn't dare open my eyes yet.

Once again, that warm, soft feeling settled on my lips. This time, Jimin lingered a little longer in the kiss.

After a few seconds, he began to move his lips lightly against mine.

I could no longer suppress a contented sigh, wrapped my arms around him and turned onto my back, pulling Jimin on top of me.

He let go of me in a huff and I opened my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Good morning."

The smirk turned into an honest smile as I looked into Jimin's beautiful brown eyes, which looked down at me reproachfully.

"How long have you been up?"

Playfully indignant, Jimin clenched his fists at his sides.

"Not that long."

I had the urge to sit up and rob Jimin of another good morning kiss, but my shoulder thwarted me.

Frustrated, I brushed a few tangled strands of hair out of my face and looked around.

We were in Jimin's room.

Since Tae had moved into one of the other rooms after their argument, which were only sparsely occupied at the moment anyway, we had chosen this room last night.

At first I hadn't decided whether I should really stay the night, but Jimin had pulled me onto the bed and cuddled me until we both fell asleep.

My eyes fell on the alarm clock.

9 o'clock in the morning?

I sighed theatrically and put my healthy arm over my eyes.

"You realise you're the only one who's going to get away alive if he wakes me up this early?"

I squinted from under my arm to see Jimin's reaction.

As expected, he grinned broadly.

"Get up, we've got a date."

He leant down to me and gave me a fleeting kiss on the cheek.

I tried to catch him with one arm, but only caught the empty air above me.

Frustrated, I reached out for Jimin, who had rushed to his wardrobe and was already rummaging around for clothes.


Inside, I was really looking forward to the date, but I would have liked to cuddle with Jimin even more.

And maybe picked up where we'd left off yesterday.

"Put something warm on, it's snowing."

He pulled a wine-red knitted jumper and a T-shirt out of his wardrobe and disappeared into the bathroom with the rest of his clothes.

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