Halloween 1

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I patted my cheeks a few times to wake myself up a little and then looked at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing a knitted jumper with wide pink and purple horizontal stripes and matching cat ears and tail.

Our make-up artist had applied whiskers and a big cat grin over my normal make-up.

I was supposed to be the Cheshire cat from the famous fairy tale Alice in Wonderland.

Today was Halloween and we had planned a live special.

I was running late because I had a shoot for an advertising campaign beforehand. My role as the invisible cat meant that the others could pretend that I was already there, as they could simply claim that they couldn't see me at the moment.

They had certainly had a lot of fun with that.

I was actually far too tired for this live.

But duty was duty and I couldn't just shirk it. The last few weeks had been packed with work and appointments for me.

The only ray of hope that kept me going was that I would finally get to see Jimin properly again today.

We had hardly been able to speak to each other since his birthday...

My mood immediately brightened and I straightened my shoulders. Despite this terrible colour combination, I radiated a mixture of sexy and cute.

I tried to imitate a cat grin.


Satisfied, I nodded at my reflection and made my way to today's recording room.


Without knocking, I opened the door and entered.

But the picture that presented itself to me made me freeze in my tracks.

The others had spread out on various seats around a table with different sweets and unnaturally colourful drinks. On the other side of the table, some distance away, the streaming equipment was set up.

Jimin and V stood between the table and the camera.

Jimin in the hatter's outfit and V in a suit modelled on Alice's dress.
Apparently they had just done a couple's dance and now Jimin whirled V around and tilted him into this theatrically romantic holding position, leaned over him, hinted at a kiss and... Then bit him on the neck?

Jealousy welled up inside me.

My good mood was gone again.

Not only had the management apparently decided that VMin would be promoted today, but Jimin was totally into it.

I took a deep breath to calm my mind and sank my hands into my trouser pockets.

Hell yeah.

Jimin had fucked me and we hadn't spoken since.

Yes, I'd confessed my love for him and he hadn't said anything about it yet.

And yes, of course I'd got my hopes up.

Everything inside me tensed up when I saw him. But so far I had convinced myself that we just hadn't had enough time together to talk about it in peace.

He had said he wanted all of me.
That had to mean something...


Namjoon's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

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