Christmas Date 2

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With a triumphant cry, the tree detached itself from its trunk. Only my hand was still holding it up.

Jimin stood up and brushed the snow off his clothes.

He had just spent a good 20 minutes felling the tree we had set our sights on after an extensive search.

His face was red from the effort and the cold, but there was a glint of pride in his eyes as he looked up at me.

"I told you, I'm strong enough."

He clenched his gloved fists at his sides and posed heroically.

Grinning, I shook my head.

"Now you just have to be able to carry it."

We actually wanted to take a small tree with us, because Jimin had to carry it on his own because of my shoulder.

But then we found this one, which was as big as us even when it was felled.

Jimin was absolutely convinced that he could still carry it, so after some back and forth we decided to take the tree with us.

"Let me take a breath."

Jimin stretched extensively, the skin of his stomach peeking out from under the hem of his jacket.

Then he squatted down and awkwardly reached for the log.

"Got it. You can let go."

On command, I let go of the top, which I was still holding with my right hand, and the tree plopped into the snow.

Jimin lifted it by the trunk and dragged it behind him towards the hut so that we could net it.

I was just starting to move to follow him when he froze in his tracks, dropped the tree and slowly turned round to face me.

He looked at me in shock.

I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"We don't have any tree decorations."

My gaze wandered incredulously from Jimin to the medium-sized tree and back again.Then I burst out laughing heartily.

That was so typical!

"And today is Sunday. And Christmas Eve!"

He added grumpily.

I quickly caught up with him and, still laughing, gave him a kiss on the forehead.Then I gestured for him to pick up the tree again.

"I saw a small wagon next to the hut. Through the windows, it looked like you could buy Christmas decorations there."

I strolled to the top of the tree and lifted it with my healthy arm after all.

Somehow it didn't feel right to see the tree dragging along the ground like that.

Jimin nodded and we continued on our way.

Indeed, next to the wooden hut behind the campfire was a wagon the size of a circus wagon, with warm lights and the hint of Christmas decorations of various kinds shining through the windows.

At the entrance stood a friendly, smiling young woman in an elf costume, handing out small shopping baskets.

We had the tree netted and sent our driver off to bring it back.

"See, there's nothing to worry about."

I grabbed Jimin's hand reassuringly after taking one of the shopping baskets from the elf.

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