Everyday Life?

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Of course, I didn't get a wink of sleep that night.

Several times I thought about what I had done wrong.

Whether I should go over to Jimin's.

How I should face him the next day.

When the others came back, I pretended to be asleep. What would I tell Namjoon and J-Hope if they asked?

Around 5am I gave it up and strolled into the kitchen. If I couldn't sleep, I might as well get ready and try to do some work.

I opened the fridge and took out some eggs. Then I checked what else we had for an omelette and decided on some cheese and ham. I found an onion in the vegetable drawer.

Just as I was putting the prepared egg into the pan, I heard someone enter the kitchen.

"Morning." I murmured and looked up at the person.

"Morning." Jimin murmured back, stroking his hair blearily.

I quickly looked back at my food.

Why him?

I was frantically thinking about what to talk to him about, when he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

I felt Jimin spread a few soft kisses on my neck, only to rest his chin on my shoulder.

"Last night was wonderful."

He whispered and a pleasant shiver ran through me.

Involuntarily, I paused in my movement. Jimin pulled me a little tighter into his embrace and nibbled gently on my ear.


I breathed uncertainly.

I felt my knees soften under his touch and the desire from last night came back.

"I love it when you moan my name."

He let go of my ear and put his chin back on my shoulder.

"What's for breakfast?"

I regained consciousness and turned the omelette over.

"Would you like one too?"

I answered his rhetorical question with a counter-question to which I also already knew the answer.

"If you make me one too."

Came the expected answer.

Jimin let go of me so I could get the ingredients from the fridge and leaned against the counter instead.

He watched me silently as I finished a second omelette.

"It hasn't all been there anymore. We'll just do half-half, okay?"

He nodded.

"Will you write 'sweetheart' on mine?"

Surprised, I looked up. Jimin smirked at me and held out the ketchup bottle.

What was going on here?

"Why should I?" I asked defiantly.

Nevertheless, I took the ketchup bottle from him.

Jimin moved closer to me.

"Because you love me."

He grinned and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then he fetched cutlery for us and sat down at the table.

I blushed madly once again.

"I never said that."

I muttered, more to myself.

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