Set me free pt.1

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I shouldn't be up this late.

Tomorrow we were leaving for Los Angeles to shoot the music video for Black Swan.

But I just couldn't sleep.

A new song had been running through my head for a few days, but it hadn't really taken shape yet.

As I often do in such moments, I decided to mute my head, which was working at full speed, with other music. A few clicks later, an angelic voice sounded through my headphones.

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes.

Jimin's Serendipity was one of my favourites. I had loved that voice since I first heard it 8 years ago.


He did not remember the weather that day nor what else he had done.

The only thing Yoongi remembered was the voice of that one rookie trainee, as he introduced himself.

It was 2012 and Yoongi had been part of the agency for close to two years already. He had been working behind the scenes at BigHit as a producer since he was discovered at the Rap Battle Hit it in 2010.

They were just setting up a new idol group and they were still missing a few members.

More precisely, they were still looking for one more.

In his mind, Yoongi added that it was probably more like two, as the agency tried tirelessly to get him in front of the camera as a rapper, but he vehemently refused.

He didn't see himself as an idol and dancing wasn't his thing at all.

Anyway, the new trainees were introduced to him and the rest of the group that day.

Actually, he only listened with half an ear.

He had had a long night and would rather sleep. He wouldn't see many of the trainees again soon anyway and their talent didn't show in such a simple introduction.

"Hello, my name is Park Jimin, I am 17 years old and I am learning rap and dance. Let's have a good time together."

Yoongi looked up in surprise.

What was that in his voice?

He eyed the boy who had just cheerfully introduced himself intently, trying to remember his face.

This one seemed promising.


As expected, Yoongi didn't get to see much of the new trainees for the next few weeks. Although they all shared a room, he often stayed up late writing new lyrics in one of the studios or practicing with the band, because the agency really wanted to set him up as an idol.

One evening, on his way back to the dormitory, he heard someone practicing in one of the recording studios.

Interested to see who was so busy late into the night, he stepped closer and peeked through the gap in the door.

The boy who had caught his attention during the round of introductions was standing in front of a mic with headphones on, rapping.

Yoongi recognised the song, he had written it himself.

But the rap was terribly bad.

Hadn't the boy said he was here for rap and dance?

Then Yoongi's gut feeling had obviously been wrong. He wouldn't get far.

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