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The alarm rang far too early. The dial read 4 o'clock in the morning. I had hardly slept - again. And then also very restless. But I couldn't allow myself to stay in bed any longer. There was a big shoot scheduled today and if I didn't get up now, they would send someone to wake me up. And that someone would most likely be Jimin.

I swung my legs out of bed, sat up and briefly propped my elbows on my knees. A deep sigh escaped me as I remembered my dream. At the same time, the blush rose to my face.

I had dreamt of Jimin. More precisely, of Jimin and me in explicit situations. Situations I didn't want to and shouldn't think about anymore. But the events of the last few days had brought up suppressed feelings.

"Fuuuck..." Resignedly, I ran my hands through my hair as I noticed the problem in my pants. I definitely couldn't have them sending Jimin to wake me up!

I got up and hurried to the bathroom to take a cold shower. In the act of doing so, I banged my little toe against one of the legs of the bed."FUCK!", I cursed louder than I intended and hopped awkwardly around the room two or three times, my teeth pressed into my clenched fist.

My mood couldn't really sink any lower. The plan with the cold shower also worked out excellently, as the hot water was not yet working so early in the morning.

Excellent! It all pointed to a wonderful day.

At least I had managed to get ready to leave in time. We would be styled at the location. For the rest of the journey, I slouched in my seat, deep in my hoodie, and only grumbled in response to direct questions. I really didn't feel like social interaction at the moment. It would be enough for me to go all "idol world" with everyone when we arrive.

Luckily, most of the others were still tired, so at least I was safe from stupid comments.Arriving at the location, I realised, admittedly a little relieved, that our outfits and the location went more in the cool, badass direction and not in a cute direction. At least I would get that right today. With my moody killer look, I fit perfectly into the setting.

Unfortunately, the tempers of my band mates slowly woke up and it became generally more restless around me.

I had already changed and was sitting in the mask. My outfit was an all-black suit, with a black shirt, black tie, and lots of rings and chains on my waistband. I almost felt like I was in a music video of my alter ego Agust D.

"Woah, we all look so good today!" Jungkook posed in front of the mirror in his black shirt and matching suit trousers. V joined him and started posing together with him.

"Our clothes are well matched today." V rested his chin on JK's shoulder and put an arm possessively around his waist. They both looked at themselves in the mirror and tried out a few facial expressions to go with it.

"I like it. Let's do it that way." The two disengaged and high fived each other contentedly.

"Wahh! Am I a third wheel today?" Jimin had just come back from changing. He was wearing a black shirt, but with white suit trousers and a white waistcoat. His trousers, like mine, were also decorated with several chains. I quickly turned my gaze back to my reflection in the mirror. He looked hot.

"Sorry Jiminshi. You'll have to find someone else today." V pulled JK provocatively possessive closer to him.

"How about some Yoonmin scenes again? Since the live the other day, you two are high on the list of topics of conversation again." Commented Jin.He was buttoning his cufflinks. They had put him in a plain black suit with a white shirt.

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