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It was the evening of 23 December.

I got out of the car, grabbed my bag and thanked the driver. My bodyguards accompanied me to the building where our dorm was located, then I said goodbye to them and left them for their well-deserved evening off.

I came out of hospital.

More than a month and a half ago, on 3 November, I had surgery on my shoulder, which I had injured in a car accident years ago.

The operation went smoothly, but I still had to stay on the ward afterwards for rehab and follow-up treatment.

Due to the pandemic, none of the members were allowed to visit me, although we were all tested daily.

Namjoon and J-Hope had written to me a few times to let me know how I was doing.

I had also received well wishes from the others. But all in all, they had been too busy with rehearsals, recordings and performances at Christmas time to write much.

There was nothing going on at the hospital over the holidays. And as my rehab was progressing well, I was allowed to go home early to enjoy the festivities.

As well as I could...

I had to be careful not to have contact with too many people so that I didn't catch the disease and could continue my outpatient rehab after the holidays.

In the meantime, I had to stabilise my shoulder with a shoulder brace, which distributed most of the weight of my arm to other muscles and thus relieved the strain on my shoulder.

I entered the living room and put my small bag next to the door.

Namjoon was sitting on the sofa, a bowl of popcorn in his arms, watching a Christmas film.

When I entered the room, he looked up and stopped the film.

"Suga! Have you been discharged? How's your shoulder?"

He put the bowl down on the coffee table and came towards me. Instead of hugging me, he put his hand on my uninjured shoulder to greet me.

"I was released early due to good behaviour." I joked.

As I said, we had written a lot to each other and he was aware of most of it.

"How's it going here? Where are the others?"

I let my eyes wander around the room demonstratively, although I had already noticed that Namjoon was alone.

"Jin, Jungkookie and J-Hope were moved to a hotel because they had contact with people who were positive shortly afterwards. They also have some jobs and the management wants to minimise the risk of infection as much as possible. Taehyung and Jimin should still be at training."

RM slowly led me to the sofa and motioned for me to sit down. At that moment, the door lock clicked, signalling the arrival of another person.

When Taehyung walked through the door to the common room, completely exhausted, I realised how disappointed I felt.

Since RM had just mentioned his name, I had instinctively hoped that it was Jimin who had just come back.

Taehyung stopped briefly in the doorway at the sight of me. Then he gave me a cold look and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"It's good to see you back."

His voice didn't quite sound like he meant what he said.

"I mean, I can understand why you didn't tell us. But at least you could have let Jimin in on it, since you two are so tight."

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