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"Inside or outside?"

Jimin squinted through the windows into the ice cream shop. I did the same.

Inside it was relatively empty, most people tended to go out for ice cream later in the afternoon. And there were little seating areas where we could take off our masks without everyone seeing us directly.


He nodded and I pushed the door open.

We decided to sit in the corner, as it was hardest to look in there. I reached for the menu.

"What are you in the mood for?"

Indecisively, I flipped through the laminated pages.

"Something with chocolate and alcohol."

Jimin moved closer to me so he could see the menue better. I felt his shoulder against mine and closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling.

This is a date. This has to be a date.

My inner voice rejoiced, but immediately the little doubt crept up inside me again.

We just have fun together... We had been out together before. That didn't mean anything.

But after last night?

"Are we sharing this?"

Jimin's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

He pointed to a large chocolate-vanilla sundae with cream liqueur, chocolate sauce and brittle sprinkles. Unusually calorific by his standards.

"Hm?" He hummed.

I looked at him, puzzled.

"Are we sharing this one?" he repeated his question.

Sharing an ice cream sundae? Wasn't that also something couples do?

It's a date.

My inner voice hummed contentedly.


I agreed with satisfaction and put the menu away.

The waitress came immediately and took our order. I ordered an additional Iced Americano, as fatigue was really making itself noticeable by now, but I didn't want to break off this meeting because of a sleepless night.

When our order came and the waitress had left again, we finally took off our masks.

For a moment I dreamily looked at Jimin's bare face. He looked hot when he was wearing make-up. But without make-up he looked so cute and innocent. I liked that too.


He said in surprise and looked at me with wide eyes, his mouth twisted into an O. I blinked and looked at him questioningly.

"They only brought one spoon."

I raised my eyebrows and was already preparing to put my mask back on to order a second spoon. Of course, we hadn't explicitly stated that we wanted to share the sundae.

Then Jimin demandingly held out a spoon filled with cream and chocolate sauce to me.

"It's fine like this, isn't it?"

Yes! Without hesitating, I grabbed the spoon with my mouth.

We had a bit of small talk about the other members and the dates in the near future.

Jimin took turns handing out ice cream spoons to himself and to me.

"Almost like a real date, right?"

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