Turning Point

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"Yo, Yoongi, what's going on between you and Jimin?"

Confused, I looked up.

J-Hope had just entered the recording studio, followed by Namjoon. I looked over at him briefly, but he just shrugged his shoulders, clueless as to what J-Hope was getting at.

Nothing had happened between Jimin and me in the last few days.

We hadn't talked about the kisses again, nor had we ignored each other specifically.

It had somehow been almost too normal.

"What do you mean?"

I put away the CDs I had just been holding and stood up to greet them with a handshake. My question was serious, after all, I had let J-Hope in on how I felt about Jimin.

"The tension between you is almost touchable."

He made a strange hand movement, as if he wanted to grab something invisible. I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"I'm just saying. Something's up. Did he say anything else about you two hooking up at the shoot?"

Right, I hadn't told anyone about that yet.

I noticed that my ears were getting hot and quickly lowered my gaze to pretend that I was heavily occupied with something.

"So he did?"

Now Namjoon also intervened. I couldn't get out of the act.

"He came to my studio the night before the RUN BTS recording." I reported matter-of-factly.

"Well?" Came from both of them, as if from one mouth.

They didn't let me out of their sight.

Oh, these Gossip Girls...

"He was completely drunk..."

I avoided their gazes and thought about how I could get them off the subject.

"What happened, Yoongi?" There was concern in Namjoon's voice.

"First he reproached me..."

I looked up and looked into two pairs of expectant eyes. I sighed.

"Then he said he liked it and kissed me."

J-Hope squealed like a pubescent girl.

"What kind of kissing?" He jittered on the spot.

"Pretty hot kissing."

Now I had to grin. But it quickly disappeared again.

"Then he threw up in my bin."

I turned away and prepared the mixing desk.

"What?!" Out of one mouth again.

"I told you he was totally drunk. He didn't say anything more about it after that either. He probably doesn't even remember it."

I shrugged my shoulders as if it was no big deal. I could tell from their looks that they knew it actually was a big deal for me.

"I don't think he doesn't remember." Namjoon put in.

"Me neither. As much as he got up close and personal during the Run BTS shoot? I bet he had you recognised by the smell too and was just dying to touch you." Added J-Hope.

"Yes, right? He's been acting pretty conspicuous." Namjoon reflected.

"He went under Yoongi's shirt! I really had to think about whether they had to cut that out."

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