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I woke up alone in my bed the next morning.

At first, that feeling of emptiness spread through me again. But I told myself that Jimin had simply woken up earlier.

The whole thing didn't mean anything anyway.

In fact, he had just got up early to train. Jimin joined us again for breakfast and even helped me to set the table afterwards.

We joked around and my mood suddenly lifted.

Of course, Namjoon and J-Hope still stuck to their protective mission. So I didn't have the opportunity to sit next to Jimin and even when clearing the table Namjoon soon demanded my presence for something.

This time, however, I did not leave immediately, but gently stroked a strand of hair out of Jimin's face as a farewell.

"See you later." I grinned.

Jimin froze under my touch.

At first I thought he was going to lean his head against my hand obligingly, but then he grabbed my hand with his and gently pushed it away.

He avoided my gaze as he cleared away some plates and also murmured a quick goodbye to me.

I went to Namjoon with many question marks in my head.


Over the next few days, Jimin behaved strangely.

But not so strange that I had a reason to bring it up with him.

When my chaperones gave us the opportunity, we had normal conversations, rehearsed together, shot footage for our fans.

But there always came a point when Jimin suddenly sought distance.

One moment he was sitting next to me and we were discussing something while our shoulders touched, the next moment he slid away from me a tad too quickly.

Sometimes he reached out for me, but quickly withdrew his hand before he even touched me.

Also, when J-Hope started flirting with me again, Jimin behaved strangely.

Whenever we were in conversation, if J-Hope appeared, he would suddenly become short-tempered. Or I would notice him scowling at us and quickly turning away. Sometimes his hands would clench into fists.

Could it be that he really was jealous?

But he had made no more signs that he was interested in more.

Should I talk to him?

I looked at his back thoughtfully.

Jimin had just decided to play a game with Tae and Jungkook and they were rummaging in the game cupboard that the management had filled with various games for our Lives.

What was the point of me bringing it up out of nowhere?

The sofa next to me dropped a little when J-Hope joined me. He followed my gaze briefly, then rested his head on my shoulder.

I was so used to this by now that I no longer flinched or protested.

"How are things between you?"

J-Hope asked so quietly that only I could hear him.

I shrugged.

"He's acting weird."

I don't know why I said that. Maybe I was hoping that J-Hope knew some advice.

"Hm." He ventured, but then fell silent.

In the meantime, the group of three had decided on a game and set up a Twister field.

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