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Our clothes had stayed dry, but we hadn't considered that we didn't have any towels with us when we showered. Still soaked, we slipped into our sweaty training clothes and quickly walked back to our dorm.


"Oh man."

I put my hands on my knees and laughed heartily. Who would have thought that we would ever be in such a situation: walking around the campus after sex in makeshift clothes and hoping that no one saw you. If anything, I would have expected that to happen to one of the others with a secret girlfriend.

But not me.

"We should shower first." Jimin grinned and headed for his bathroom.

As expected, the others were not at home. I decided to pull my T-shirt over my head and follow Jimin instead of going to my own bathroom.

Surprised, he looked at me as I entered the bathroom behind him, already taking off my trousers. I shrugged my shoulders and pushed past him to get towels ready from the bathroom cabinet.

"We might as well shower together."

Outwardly striving for a cool demeanour, but inwardly trembling with nervousness, I slipped into the shower cubicle and looked expectantly at Jimin.

We both fit in here easily, so it was no problem. But maybe he wanted to keep his distance for the time being.

Hopefully, I clenched one hand into a fist to redirect my nervousness.

As Jimin also began to undress, I breathed out unobtrusively, relieved. He climbed into the shower cubicle with me.

"I hope you're not one who likes to boil yourself in the shower."

He grinned and reached past me for the shower regulator. Immediately afterwards, I was hit by an ice-cold jet of water.

"Ah! Asshole!"

I cursed, but had nowhere to escape to. So I pulled Jimin close to me to make him suffer as much and to warm myself a little.

"Hey!" he protested indignantly, trying to free himself from my grip.

"Forget it." I grinned and continued to hold him.

Quicker than expected, he gave up. Slowly the water became warmer. I released Jimin again and looked around for the shampoo. He held the tube out to me and then put some of the contents on my outstretched hands before taking some for himself.

Instead of soaping myself, I clapped my hands on Jimin's head and started shampooing his hair. This earned me another strange look. But he let it happen.

When I had finished, he looked indecisively at the unused shampoo in his hands. He seemed to be considering whether he should shampoo me now too, but I took the decision from him by wiping the shampoo off his with my hands and shampooing myself.

I winked at him and tried to look as hot as possible. In the next moment, I was overcome with shame about the action and turned around.

"If you want, you can soap my back."

Hopefully I hadn't gone too far. But I heard him open a second tube and shortly afterwards I felt Jimin's hands, made even softer by the shampoo, on my back. He hesitantly spread the shower gel all over my back.

"What are we about to eat?" I tried to make small talk.

The movements of his hands slowly became more confident.

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