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"Here you are."

With a soft click, the door to the terrace closed behind me. I took a moment to admire the sight of Jimin silhouetted against the firework-lit night sky as he turned to face me. A surprised expression briefly flitted across his face, but when he recognised me, a smile spread across his lips.

"Did you miss me?"

Grinning, he turned round again. Probably expecting me to join him at the railing. And that was exactly my intention.

Muffled party music drifted outside from inside the hotel.

It was New Year's Eve, or rather New Year's Day, as midnight had already passed. The night sky was still lit up by colourful lights and the atmosphere was exuberant.

Despite the pandemic, many families celebrated the start of the new year together. So did we. 

The rest of the members enjoyed themselves inside with games, alcohol and music.

It was actually more Jimin's thing than mine, which is why I wondered what he was doing here alone on the terrace.

In just a few steps, I balanced the two champagne glasses I had brought over to him at the railing and handed one of them to Jimin. He took it wordlessly.

"What are you doing here on your own?"

He shrugged his shoulders. Then he turned his head, resting it in his hand, in my direction and gave me one of his dazzling smiles. A tingle spread through my stomach.

"I needed some fresh air."

He paused for a moment.

"And I had to think about something."

He added after a moment's thought. He slid closer to me, almost inconspicuously, so that our shoulders were slightly touching. Then he leaned slightly against me.

"Happy New Year, Yoongi."

He murmured softly. In such an intimate tone that it really made me blush for a moment.

"Happy New Year, Jimin."

I replied and clinked my champagne glass to his without drinking from it. 

We watched the fireworks in silence for a while. I wondered if anyone would notice if I kissed Jimin here now. 

The moment felt right. 

But who was I kidding? Of course someone would notice.

"The night is really nice."

Jimin said quietly. I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded.

"You know what would make this night even more perfect?"

Jimin slowly turned back to me and looked at me seriously. He seemed to be considering whether he should really finish his thought.

"A New Year's kiss?"

I joked and at the same time voiced the thought that had been haunting my mind since midnight. 

A short giggle escaped Jimin's lips. He took a moment to collect himself and quickly took a big sip of his champagne.

The next moment, I felt his cold hand gently stroking my cheek. He came so close to me that I thought he was really going to kiss me right there. 

My mind told me to put distance between us quickly. But the bigger part of me wanted him to kiss me.

"This could be our anniversary, Yoongi."

The words came softly to my ear. It took me a while to understand their meaning.

Surprised, I looked into Jimin's eyes. I tried to read in them how serious he was. He hadn't moved an inch from me and returned my gaze uncertainly, waiting.

"Do you mean...? Are you sure?"

I tried to find the right words.

Jimin nodded. His free hand reached for mine.

"I want to be yours... properly."

My world turned upside down at that moment. 

The feeling of happiness that spread through me made me throw all caution overboard. 

I pulled Jimin closer to me and gently pressed my lips to his for the long-awaited kiss. His lips felt soft and a little cold under mine at first. However, they quickly warmed up with the kiss.

With my eyes closed, I leant my forehead against his and took in the moment. Then I nodded.

"Let's be a couple."

To my surprise, Jimin breathed a sigh of relief. The uncertain, melancholy expression that had been on his face until a moment ago suddenly vanished.


A short, happy laugh escaped me.

"Did you think I was going to reject you?"

Jimin shrugged his shoulders and scratched the back of his head nervously for a moment.

"Well, I was a little unsure."

I gave him an incredulous look before pulling him back against me and sealing his lips with mine again. The kiss deepened faster and longer than I intended. 

If anyone saw us now, we clearly wouldn't be able to talk our way out of the situation.

Panting and aroused, we finally broke away from each other. My cheeks were glowing.

"Shall we go home?"

I was sure that you could tell from my voice and facial expression what my real intention was. And I could read the same desire in Jimin's eyes.

He nodded quickly. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me through the glass door to join the others to say goodbye to the party.


Aaaaand... -Cut!

That's it my dear readers! I know, the ending is a bit short... but it kinda felt right to write it like that and not include the smut.

Thanks a lot to EverForg_tful for commenting so much! It made me smile every time! So remember when reading a book to at least like the chapters and leave a short comment. The author will be grateful <3

At the moment I am not sure when the next part will be released as I had no time to write on it yet... But I hope to see you alle soon <3

xoxo Teacupshi~

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