Movie Night

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The Los Angeles Theatre was a breathtaking setting.

All in all, only two days were planned for the shooting of the music video. That's why we drove here together today to have a look at the rooms and to rehearse our performance.

The acoustics in the individual rooms were fantastic. Especially on the main stage you got an almost devotional feeling.

I yawned as I followed the others through the huge rooms. Jungkook tested the acoustics in each room and Jhope tested the different floors with a few dance steps.

How could anyone have so much energy? The rest seemed as exhausted by the long flight as I was.

We decided to go through the choreo in the different rooms so that we could get used to the unfamiliar underground. Barefoot on parquet or carpet was different from our dance hall in Seoul. Even though it was also laid out with parquet flooring, but of a different kind.

I was glad that I had practised the choreo several times. The jet lag was getting to me and all I really wanted to do was go to the hotel and rest. Nevertheless, I struggled through Jhope's tireless instructions and reeled off the dance steps I had learned by heart over and over again.

Fortunately, we were redeemed early today.

To be fit enough for the next few days, we were already released to the hotel in the afternoon.

Sleepily, I put my socks and shoes back on and grabbed my laptop bag to walk with the others to the cars that would take us to the hotel. I had been getting little sleep the last few days because I had been too busy with new compositions.

But for today I had resolved to give myself a break.

"See you tomorrow!"

"Good job today!" The members happily said goodbye to the stuff and I also raised my hand in acknowledgement.

"What about you, Jimin?"

At Jungkook's question, my tired mind involuntarily listened. I lifted my gaze and watched the two of them. The light broke through the stained glass windows in Jimin's currently blue-grey hair.

"I want to practise some more here. My solo part is first thing tomorrow."

"Ah, okay. See you." Jungkook passed me on the way out.

Jimin's solo part.

I had had this part in mind the whole time I was composing the song.

I didn't want to admit it to myself, but I paid far too much attention to the thought that Jimin's dancing would play the biggest part in this piece.

In recent years, I suppressed thinking about Jimin more than necessary. Still, now I couldn't help but turn to the stage at my back, where he had already started going through the dance steps.

In my mind, I automatically backed the scene with the corresponding part of the music.

Even while practising, Jimin looked graceful. Beautiful.

A hand came to rest on my shoulder.

"Are you coming, Suga?"

Namjoon looked at me inquiringly. I found it hard to take my eyes off Jimin.

"Um... yeah, sure."

My mouth felt dry as I finally managed to tear myself away from the sight.

The look on Namjoon's face became worried. I noticed it immediately and knew what it meant. Namjoon had been the one who had supported me the most during my heartbreak. He also knew that I still had feelings for Jimin. However, I thought I had them well under control.

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