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Hello! I'm Dancecoaster. I've been an avid reader on this site for 10 years, but I've never written anything. I have a lot of great ideas for fics, but writing wasn't something that I ever really enjoyed. I hated writing papers in college and I was never very good at creative writing. I always had great ideas, but I always struggled with the inner meat of the story, like dialogue and connecting things together. I started reading Kickdrum Beating in My Head Again, by notastumph and I started having a lot of great ideas for that story so I contacted the author on tumblr. She said she didn't have much of a plan for that story, so we talked about many different ideas and we kind of had a plan. Then, she hit a rough patch of writer's block and had to step away from the story for a while.

This started as a way of compiling all of our ideas in one place and putting them in the order that we discussed, so that when she was ready, it would all be there. She told me that she decided to go with a simpler version of the story. At that point, I had done a lot of work compiling and connecting different ideas, so I asked if she would be ok with me writing an alternate version to this story incorporating all of the ideas that we discussed. She said that it was fine, so I started writing this version of the story. Please remember, I have never written anything like this before, so please go easy on me. I have no problem being mean to characters, so please be ready for that. This story picks up where her story left off, after Chapter 17. You will need to read her story first, otherwise this won't make any sense. You can read it here:

The only difference is that, in this version, William puts the block back on his memories after he reveals them to Patrick, as a final fuck you to him, before he leaves him where he leaves him. I don't want to give too much away, but it will make more sense when you get to that part in the original story.

I have also fudged a lot of the legal and medical details in this story, so please don't call me on those things. I did do a lot of research for the legal, medical, and prison details. Please just buy the premise. Honestly, I have found writing this more enjoyable than I thought I would, which is surprising. There are some things you need to know before reading. If you see something that is bolded. It indicates a character's thoughts. I tried to make it as clear as possible, but if you have questions, leave it in a comments and I will try to answer it the best I can. If something is italicized, it indicates that a character is experiencing a memory. If you see something with a star and underlined, like *this*, that indicates that a character is having a hallucination. I will also attach pictures of things as they happen. Again, I don't want to give anything away.

One more thing, I don't like graphic sex scenes, so you won't find any smut on here. There will be sexual situations, graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con, and drug use that are described. I will put a trigger warnings at the beginning of the chapters that deal with them. You will find that this story is very detailed. If I'm going to write this, then I'm not going to skimp on the details, so the chapters will be long. Other than that, buckle up and enjoy! This is going to be a very long ride! I really hope you all enjoy this!

Kickdrum Beating in My Chest Again (Alternate Version)Where stories live. Discover now