Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Mentions of Rape*******

!!!!!!!! Reader's Note: We are going to back up a few hours. This is meant to be happening simultaneously as what has previously happened above, we are just going to change POVs!!!!!!!

Brad is on his way to go get Stump for his personal time with Gabe. Overall, it has been a pretty busy day, so Brad hasn't had as much time to fuck with him as much as he usually does. Everything has run relatively smoothly and there haven't been any problems. That is about to change very quickly. As he approaches Stump's cell, he starts banging on the bars like he usually does. When he doesn't see any movement or hear any snarky comments from Stump, he takes a closer look to see if he is sleeping or something. What he finds though, is that Stump isn't currently in his cell, which is very odd. Brad knew his schedule for every day, and he didn't remember there being something where Stump wouldn't be in his cell at this time. He opens the cell door, walks in, and looks around, finding no one in the cell. Brad takes his radio out and calls the guards to see if he was taken somewhere by accident.

"Guard Brad to dispatch." Brad says.

"This is dispatch, go ahead." They answer.

"I came to pick up Dr. Stump for an appointment that he has. However, when I got here, the prisoner was not in his cell like he should be and there didn't seem to be signs of a struggle or escape. Was there a meeting that I wasn't aware of at this time? Did a different guard take him there?" Brad explains.

"Hang on and we will ask. As far as we know, he wasn't. He should be there. Give us a moment to get this sorted out." They say.

It takes a minute for dispatch to get back to him.

"Dispatch to Guard Brad." They reply.

"Go ahead dispatch." Brad responds.

"It appears that the Warden wanted to meet with him after inmate Stump returned from lunch. You were busy, so another guard named Hunter was sent to his cell and escorted him to the Warden's office. The meeting ended hours ago, though. He should be back in his cell by now. Do we need to sound the alarm?" They ask.

"No. Not yet. I will take a walk and see if I can find him myself first. I'll alert you if I need further assistance. Thanks." Brad tells them.

"Alright. Dispatch out." They say.

"Well, what the fuck? Where is he? It shouldn't have taken that long for him to be escorted back to his cell. This is so not good. I must tell Gabe." Brad states as he is closing the door to the cell.

Brad leaves and immediately goes to Gabe and Stump's meeting place for their personal time.

"Hello Brad, where is Sugar?" Gabe asks.

"Um...boss? We may have a problem." Brad informs.

"The only problem I see right now is that you were supposed to bring Sugar here for our personal time and he isn't here." Gabe states.

"See, that is the problem. I went to his cell to collect him and bring him to you, and he wasn't there. I talked to dispatch. They said the Warden wanted a meeting with him after lunch, so they sent a different guard to go get him and take him to the meeting. They also said the meeting ended hours ago and that he should be back in his cell by now, but he isn't. I didn't know what to do, so I came to you first." Brad explains.

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