Chapter 32

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!!!!!!!!!!Please see the external link for visuals of Patrick's enhancements for this chapter!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 32

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, and Mentions of Graphic Violence and Rape*******

When Patrick wakes up the next morning, he is in so much pain! Oh my God! I think I'm going to die! His left shoulder feels like it exploded and is on fire and he can't move his left arm or fingers at all. He tries to use his other hand to roll over and push himself into a sitting position. It takes a few tries, but he is able to do it. Now he can actually look at his other arm and see what's going on. He looks at his left shoulder and sees that his entire left arm has been dislocated at his shoulder, the rotator cuff has been torn in several places, and his left arm is sticking out in an unnatural direction. Well, that would explain the pain. I'm so going to kill Gabe today when it is time for my daily raping. If he thought it hurt when he was laying down, now his pain is amplified ten-fold with him sitting up and he cries out.

"Ughhhhh!" He screams.

The worst part is that all the pain from this is making him very nauseous. It hits him like a huge wave. He knows he's going to vomit, but he can't get up off the floor to get to the toilet fast enough and he vomits all over himself and the floor in front of him. He doesn't just vomit once; he vomits six times before he is done. Fuck My Life! This is because Gabe gave me a much higher dose of heroin last night. As if on cue, he feels another wave of nausea hit him and he pukes five more times. He's not sure which is worse at this point. The pain is almost debilitating, but the drugs are making him so sick. He might need fluids after this.

All of the commotion wakes Joe up just in time to see Patrick vomit all over himself and the floor. It appears he is done for now.

"Patrick? Are you ok?" He asks.

Patrick is about to answer, when he throws up five more times.

"No! I'm not ok, Joe. My left shoulder is dislocated, and the muscles and ligaments are torn, so I'm in a ton of pain. I can't move my left arm, hand or fingers and Gabe gave me a higher dose of heroin last night, so I'm incredibly sick. I might need some fluids after all of this puking, and I can't get off the floor without help. Could you please come help me?" Patrick informs him.

"Of course! I'll be right there!" Joe answers.

He pushes back his covers, climbs down, and heads over to where Patrick is, near the front of their cell. Joe was afraid to move him last night because of his injury. He didn't want to make it any worse, so he grabbed him a pillow and a blanket and covered him with it where Brad had left him.

"Ok. I'm here. Do you want to get up first or get cleaned up?" Joe asks.

"Help me up and then I can get cleaned up." Patrick responds.

" do I do that without making your injury worse?" Joe asks.

"Take my right arm and put it over your shoulder. Then you can hoist me up." Patrick instructs him.

Joe does what Patrick says and hoists him up off the floor.

"Do you want to go to a chair, or your bed?" Joe asks.

"Probably a chair. I don't want my bed smelling like puke." Patrick answers.

Joe leads him to the chair that is still sitting next to Patrick's bed and sets him down.

"I will work on cleaning all of that up." Joe says.

"Wait! That is a big enough mess that the Janitor needs to clean it up. Call for the guard." Patrick suggests.

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