Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

*******Trigger Warning for Mentions of Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

Once they get back to their cell, Joe gets ready to leave for his job.

"I'm going to work for a while. Are you going to be ok without me for the next few hours?" Joe asks.

"Yes. My plan is to not leave our cell while you are gone, you know except for when they take me for my private time with Gabe later." Patrick answers.

"Ok. I'll see you later then." Joe says as the door opens, he steps out and the door closes again as he is escorted to his job.


Patrick returns to reading his book. It is short-lived though because a different guard shows up, banging on the bars of his cell. Patrick looks up and is delighted to see that it isn't Brad, for once.

"Who are you?" Patrick asks.

"My name is Hunter. I was told to collect you and take you to a meeting when you returned from lunch." He says.

"Ok...who am I meeting with?" Patrick asks.

"The Warden wants to talk to you." Hunter replies.

"Is this for real? I was already told I had a meeting with the Warden a few nights ago, and it didn't turn out well for me." Patrick asks.

"Yes. He specifically told me to come get you and bring you to his office after lunch." Hunter says.

Patrick is very suspicious but stands up and walks to the front of the cell. Hunter opens the door, Patrick steps out, and they start walking toward Andy's office.

"Did he give you any indication of what he wants to talk to me about?" Patrick asks.

"No, he just asked me to escort you to his office. I'm sorry I don't know any more than that." Hunter says.

"It's ok." Patrick replies.

They continue walking in silence after that. Patrick is hopeful that maybe William's compulsion has worn off and Andy knows that he isn't supposed to be here anymore. He knows that is wishful thinking but, a guy can dream, right? Try not to get your hopes up too much. You've never seen a compulsion from a vampire wear off. Odds are, this is for something completely different. They continue walking for a while until they get to Andy's office. There appears to be someone in his office that he is talking to. Hunter knocks on the door.

"Yes?" Andy says.

Hunter pokes his head in. "Sorry to bother you, sir. I have inmate Stump here, just as you asked." He says.

"Thank you. I will see him after I finish my meeting here. Please stand or sit on the bench outside my office with him, until we are done." Andy instructs.

"Yes, sir." Hunter replies and closes the door. "Please sit on the bench right there, Stump. He will be with you after he is done with his meeting." He says.

"Ok." Patrick responds and sits on the bench outside of Andy's office.


Earnesto has been trailing this inmate that Jesus wants to meet with for days now, looking for an opportunity to take him and finish what he started a few days ago. So far, he hasn't been in a situation where he could do that. The inmate is always with his cellmate, the boxer and MMA fighter, or his personal guard. Today he followed the inmate and a different guard, one that doesn't look too hard to take down, to the Warden's office and they are currently waiting outside. He and his friends can't take him right now, but he's pretty sure this is his chance to finish what he started and bring him to Jesus. They should be able to ambush them on their way back to the inmate's cell. He leaves and makes his way back to the meeting place for the rest of the Nuestra Familia gang to share this information with them.

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