Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

*******Trigger Warning for Mentions of Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

When Brad walks back into sick bay, he finds Gabe still working on Stump. He can't wait until tomorrow is over so he can stop being nice to Trohman and Pawlovich. It will be nice for things to go back to normal. It's been killing him to have to be nice and understanding when all he wants to do is be sadistic and mean. Gabe looks up at him for a moment, acknowledges him, and goes back to what he is doing. Brad goes to work on the pull out the couch so that he can get the sleep he needs. When he is done, he goes to sit in his chair in the corner.

"I won't be too much longer. I need to finish this round of healing, give him one more round of blood, and then you can take me back. If you don't want to take me, you can go to sleep, and I will go back to my cell to sleep when I'm finished." Gabe offers.

"I'll just wait until you are done. Hey, I have a question. After the attack tomorrow, you plan for things to go back to normal, right? Are you going to give Stump any reprieve before you start back up with business as usual? Do I have to continue being nice because it is getting very old?" Brad asks.

Gabe stops what he's doing. Using his targeted healing ability requires his full attention. He looks at Brad with an incredibly sadistic smile.

"Of course! I want things back to normal just as much as you do! I am capable of being nice, but that is definitely not how I prefer to be, you know that. I would much rather be evil and vicious. This nice thing is so fucking boring! It is so much more fun when I'm punishing and fucking with Sugar! Depending on how much pain Sugar is still in, we may resume certain activities while giving a reprieve of others. After the attack is done tomorrow, you have my permission to go back to being your normal, sadistic self. I can't wait to taste his blood again! It is heavenly! As for you, you may feed on him once per day, but you need to be extremely careful and aware of how much you are taking. Is that clear?" Gabe asks with a very serious look on his face.

"Yes. Crystal clear." Brad answers.

"Good. Now be quiet and let me finish." Gabe commands.

Brad goes back to sitting in his chair and scrolling through his phone. It takes Gabe an additional hour to complete his healing and gives Stump another round of blood before he is ready to leave.

"I am finished. You may take me back to my cell now. Tomorrow will be busy. Make sure you get the rest you need." Gabe says.

"Don't worry. I will. You should too." Brad replies as they begin walking back to Gabe's cell.

"That is the plan." Gabe comments.


Dan waits until the guards are gone before he begins talking to his friends.

"Hey guys? I need to talk to you about something." Dan says.

"Sure, Dan. What's up?" Mel asks.

"This may seem like a weird question, but please hear me out. Would you agree that you have all experienced very strange, unexplainable things that have happened while you have been here in prison? Dan asks.

They are all silent for a minute.

"Yes. I know that I have had that experience multiple times. One time, I was walking back to my cell when I swear, I passed by an empty cell where I saw two men biting two other guy's necks. I was really scared so I took off running and I think I lost them by the time I got back to my cell. I can't really explain what I saw, but I know that it was real. I didn't imagine it." Phil shares.

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