Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

*******Trigger Warning for Graphic Violence, Torture, Use of Racial Slurs, and Rape*******

Joe returned to his cell after breakfast. He has nothing but time until lunch and he hasn't heard from Gabe yet, so he climbs into his bed and thinks about Dan and his friends. He really hopes that they made it to the old cafeteria safely and hopes that they can stay out of harm's way while seeing what they need to see. Then there's the matter of them getting back safely without getting caught. The only thing working in their favor is that they are moving through an unknown tunnel underneath the prison, which spits them out in a very remote area. The tricky part will be getting back to their cells unnoticed. You need to remember what Clark said. You just need to trust Dan to do the job that he needs to do. I trust Dan 100%. I just don't trust the others. I'm sure it will be ok. I probably would have heard about it if they'd gotten caught already. Joe looks at the clock. It's 10:30 a.m. The attack was supposed to start at 10:00 a.m. Once they'd sorted everyone, the plan was to let them stew in their locations before the attack continued. They were about halfway through that time, so he should be hearing from Gabe within the next thirty minutes, give or take a few minutes. Joe knows he's going to drive himself crazy worrying about all of this going according to plan if he just lays here until he hears from Gabe. He decides that he can either try to take a nap before lunch, or he can read his book. He is pretty tired and would love to sleep if he could, but he knows there is no way that he can put everything out of his mind enough to fall asleep. He has all this pent-up energy and adrenaline fueling him right now. He's not going to lie; he's looking forward to beating those smug smiles off their faces and beating them to oblivion. He takes a deep breath to try and calm down. Save it for when you need it, Joe. He then decides to read his book. He picks it up, opens it to where he left off, and begins reading. He is distracted though and keeps looking at the clock every few minutes. He pushes on and continues reading. This is going to take forever...


Dan and his friends are currently sitting on chairs in the kitchen area of the old cafeteria, talking. They all got there a few minutes before 10:00 a.m. so any time now, Gabe's attack should start, and they should begin sorting all the Nuestra Familia gang members. They maybe have ten or fifteen minutes before each of Earnesto's men will be deposited in the room. Once that happens, Dan and his friends will have to be silent, so no one knows they are there, but for now, they are fine. Mel just told everyone a terrible joke and the others are laughing.

"That was pretty funny, Mel. Do you know anymore?" Randy asks.

"Of course, I do! What did the horse say after it tripped?" Mel asks.

"I got nothing." Bob says.

"Help! I've fallen and I can't giddyup!" Mel replies as the rest of them bust up laughing.

"Ok, Ok. My turn. What do elves learn at school?" Jason asks.

"I give up." Phil says.

"The elf-abet!" Jason answers as everyone laughs.

"My turn! What do sea monsters eat?" Phil asks.

"People?" Randy asks.

"Nope, fish and ships!" Phil replies as everyone laughs.

Bob is about to go next when they hear the door open followed by three men. Dan looks at everyone and mouths the words "be quiet." They all nod and stop talking. They hear the three men yanking on the door trying to open it, but it is locked. They bang on the door and yell hoping someone will hear them.

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