Chapter 18

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*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, and Graphic Depictions of Violence.*******

Patrick wakes up on the floor of his cell the next morning. He's not sure how he got there, though. The last thing he remembers is finding out that Brad was a vampire and him biting his neck and feeding on him. It was terrifying and the pain he experienced was excruciating! He also vaguely remembers someone picking him up and carrying him somewhere. Everything else that had happened yesterday was crystal clear. It was such a whirlwind. William had compelled Andy, the warden, to believe that Patrick was a prisoner and was serving five years for helping Pete escape. He tried his best to convince him otherwise, but he failed. He was assigned a cell, given a lightweight, short-sleeved, orange prison uniform and met his cell mate, Joe. He told Joe, that he was innocent and that someone was trying to frame him. Shortly after that, he was handed a jacket and sent out into the yard for an hour.

Spencer had called him away for a medical exam and told him that he would try to get him into protective custody and call his lawyer. Patrick was taken back to the yard, where he ran into Shane Morris, a former patient who was unhappy with his care. Shane and his friends harassed him and twisted his ankle pretty badly. Patrick was taken to sickbay to get his ankle looked at by Spencer, when another inmate named Gabe came in and told Spencer that another inmate named Davis was seizing and needed help. Spencer grabbed his stuff and left Patrick there with Gabe. Gabe then locked the door to sickbay, so no one else could come in. At first, Patrick seriously thought that Gabe was there to kill him, but instead he grabbed the syringe full of morphine for Patrick's ankle, stuck it into the bottle, and pulled more out. Patrick isn't sure exactly how much he measured out, but he knew it was a lot more than it should've been. Gabe grabbed his ankle and squeezed hard, causing more pain. What came next was shocking. He offered Patrick protection from all of the terrible people in general population, which he doesn't usually offer, and that Patrick would be wise to accept. When Patrick didn't answer because he was so focused on not being there for too long, Gabe took Patrick's arm and tried to inject him with the needle, but Patrick fought back. Gabe was a lot quicker than him and jumped on top of him catching Patrick's knee before it made contact with him, and whispering in his ear that he liked it when Patrick screams. While Patrick was distracted, Gabe injected him with the needle into his side. Something was wrong though, because he started feeling the drug's affects almost immediately. Morphine takes at least five minutes, so he wonders if Gabe somehow switched the bottle with something else. In which case, he has no idea what he was given, but he passed out very quickly afterward.

When he woke up, much later in the day, he was dressed in his normal clothes and he wasn't sure if what had just happened had been real or not. He tried to take advantage of the situation by resigning, and trying to leave. However, Brad stopped him before he got out, and told him that he couldn't help himself. He told Patrick that it was a joke, and that Patrick was indeed still a prisoner. After that, he found out that Brad was a vampire and he fed on him until he was barely conscious. It was terrifying!


Patrick tries to stand up, but is overwhelmed by a wave of dizziness and lightheadedness so he grabs the bars of the cell for a minute to stabilize himself. He really doesn't feel well. He's really tired and his muscles feel really weak, making it hard for him to do much of anything without it feeling very hard. He's also really cold. I wonder if I'm feeling this way, because of losing so much blood during Brad's feeding. I'm probably anemic. He waits for the dizziness and lightheadedness to pass before he tries to move from his location. He looks around the cell and sees that Joe is still sleeping. There isn't much he can do right now, so he decides to lay down on his bed and try to sleep. He lets go of the bars and heads toward his bed. When he is halfway there, he is hit by another wave of dizziness. He looks for something to grab onto to keep him steady, so he doesn't fall, but there is nothing near him and he collapses onto the floor, making a lot of noise.

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