Chapter 23

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*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

When they get back, Joe steps into the cell but Brad puts his hand in front of Patrick so he can't go back into the cell.

"Not you, Stump." He looks at Patrick with a hungry look and licks his lips. "There is a matter that we need to discuss privately. You are coming with me." Brad says.

Patrick's eyes go wide with terror. Fuck! He is going to feed on me again! He looks at Joe, hoping he will think of something to help him.

"What matter are you discussing?" Joe asks Brad.

Brad smiles at Joe. "A matter that is none of your fucking business, Trohman."

I have to get out of here. I have to make a run for it. He's too strong! I can't fight him. He presses the button and the door to the cell closes. Patrick takes the distraction Joe gave him and takes off running as fast as he can away from Brad. He makes it pretty far, thinking he may have lost him, when he is slammed into by a force so hard that it knocks the wind out of him and possibly breaks one of his ribs. He was already out of breath from running. Now, he tries to catch his breath, but it hurt to breathe too hard. He rolls over onto his back still gasping for air. He tried to take a deep breath and it hurts too much from said broken rib. He panics, feeling like he can't breathe or get enough air and it sets of an asthma attack. He is trying so hard to breathe through the pain, but he can't seem to get enough air. He looks up at Brad wheezing, coughing, and gasping. Brad's smile turns into something else.

"What is happening to you?" He asks Patrick.

Patrick tries to speak but can't as he continues wheezing, coughing and gasping for air. He gestures to his throat and points to his lungs, trying to tell Brad what is happening, but he doesn't get it. His skin is starting to have a tinge of blue to it. He is wheezing, coughing, and gasping much worse now.

He is able to barely bark out "asthma attack. Can't breathe." Patrick continues wheezing, coughing and gasping for air, but passes out from lack of oxygen.

Brad understands enough to pick him up and haul him to sick bay with lightning speed.

He drops Patrick on a bed and yells "Doc! Inmate Stump is having an asthma attack. He couldn't breathe and passed out. We need help now!"

Spencer comes running in from his office. "Where is he?" he asks.

Brad points to the bed that he dumped Patrick on. Spencer runs to his bed where he evaluates him quickly and discovers he's not breathing.

"He's not breathing. I need to intubate him now! He grabs the supplies he needs, opens Patrick's mouth and pushes the tube down his throat. He hooks it up to a bag and begins squeezing the bag every few seconds.

"Brad, I need you to squeeze this bag every 5 seconds while I get the drugs that he needs to reduce the inflammation in his lungs, and breathe on his own. Can you do that?" Brad nods and grabs the bag, squeezing it every 5 seconds.

Spencer goes to grab albuterol and levalbuterol. "Ok, keep squeezing the bag, Brad."

Spencer says as he draws out the amounts of the drugs he needs. Then Spencer stabs Patrick in the chest with the two different drugs. It takes a minute, but all of a sudden, Patrick wakes up coughing and fighting the intubation tube.

"Patrick. You are in sick bay. You had a pretty bad asthma attack and you stopped breathing. I had to intubate you and give you drugs to make your lungs work again. Do you understand?"

Kickdrum Beating in My Chest Again (Alternate Version)Where stories live. Discover now