Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

Gabe and Brad wait in the area that he designated for everyone to gather and meet. There is already a good amount of people there, so Gabe has them split into their groups.

"Attention gentleman! Would you please separate into your assigned groups please? That way it will be easier to make sure that everyone is here before the attack commences." Gabe orders.

Those that are already there begin separating into their groups. As more people begin to show up, Gabe orders them to do the same. More and more people stream in and move to their groups. There is now a huge group of both humans and vampires standing with others from their groups.


Mark, Alex's friend, arrives and finds where groups one and two are gathering. It doesn't look like it really matters which group he's in, so he looks at each group and it looks like group two needs more people, so he moves over to where group two is and waits for the attack to begin.


Luke, one of the vampires that loves seeing humans in pain, arrives in the waiting area. He sees that everyone is separated by what group they are in, so he joins the other vampires in group three. He's so excited about this! He's been thinking about all the different ways to torture humans that he is familiar with, and some he's not familiar with. He has quite the plan to make his human suffer in agony for hours! The torture excites him, but the fact that he gets to rape his human over and over for hours is even more enticing. He has even brought his bag of tools to help him achieve his goals. That combined with his extra powers of necromancy and control of animals, will allow him to inflict the most immeasurable pain and agony on his human. He can't wait for the attack to start, so that he is one step closer to torturing his human to death over and over! Just a few more minutes and the attack will begin!


Gabe consults his watch and sees that he only has three minutes before the attack begins. It is time for his speech.

"Good morning, gentlemen! You are all here because my property was kidnapped, gangbanged thirty-three times, almost fatally beaten, abused, drugged, stabbed five times, dumped in a puddle of his own blood, and thrown away like garbage all because he accidentally ran into one of the members of the Nuestra Familia gang. Earnesto, the gang member he ran into, decided that my precious Sugar had disrespected him somehow and that he needed to be taught a lesson. Well gentlemen, please join me in noting that this qualifies as a gross overreaction for running into someone! What they did to my property was heinous and evil! Even Dr. Smith doesn't know how he survived it all! He's still in sick bay, nursing his wounds from all the damage that the Nuestra Familia gang caused. I think it is time that we show them what happens when you mess with Gabe Saporta's property and damage it the way that they did! They will rue the day that they ever touched my precious Sugar! You all have your group and assignments within that group, but first we must sort the entire gang into those groups and take them to their assigned location. Once that is finished, then we can begin the fun part of making sure that the Nuestra Familia gang pay for what they did to my property! I wish you all the best of luck in your jobs today! Let's go fuck them up!!!!!" Gabe yells as the crowd cheers.

They all disperse into the lair of the Nuestra Familia ripping through them like a chainsaw, grabbing each and every one of them. They drag them out of their hiding places, areas, and meeting rooms kicking and screaming. Gabe's forces outnumber the Nuestra Familia, so catching all of them appears to be quite easy and happens very quickly. They are all thrown into a main area that is surrounded by tons of Gabe's forces, so they can be counted and sorted while others continue rounding up those who haven't been caught yet. The whole ordeal takes thirty minutes before every single one of the Nuestra Familia gang has been captured. The next step is to begin sorting them and placing them in their correct locations. Since all of Gabe's forces have pictures of who belongs where, this doesn't take very long either. Within an hour and a half, every single member of the Nuestra Familia gang had been captured and delivered to their designated locations and the doors had been locked. Gabe and Brad check in with every location to make sure that everyone who is supposed to be there is there. They are happy to report that everyone has been sorted correctly. Now comes the fun part. Each location has been instructed to lock the door and let the prisoners stew, pondering their fate for the next hour before the next stage begins.

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