Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

*******Trigger Warning for Graphic Violence, Torture and Gore*******

Joe is just sitting down in the mess hall eating his lunch. Dan isn't back yet, and Alex is back on the other side of the prison, so Joe is sitting alone, which is exactly what he needs. More time alone with himself and his thoughts that are already starting to drive him nuts. Joe decides he needs to find someone else to sit with and talk to, so he looks around the mess hall to see who he knows. There are a few other guys from his job sitting at a table very close to him. Joe stands, grabs his tray, and makes his way over to them. When he approaches them, he smiles.

"Hey guys. Do you mind if sit with you today? My cell mate is still in sick bay and my other friends are in meetings with their lawyers."

They each share a look and then smile at Joe.

"Sure, Joe. What's wrong with your cell mate?" One of them asks.

"I'm sure you've all heard about the inmate that was attacked, gangbanged, beaten, drugged, and stabbed recently, right?" Joe asks.

"Yeah. I'm not sure there is anyone in the prison that hasn't heard about that." Another inmate comments.

"Well, the inmate that was attacked, is my cell mate. He is still recovering in sick bay." Joe answers.

"Holy shit! Really?" One asks.

"Yup. He was in terrible shape when Alex found him. He's had several surgeries to repair all the damage that was done and he's still in a ton of pain. Dr. Smith said that his pain has been coming down slowly, but that he might be released tomorrow morning." Joe shares.

"Has he healed enough to be discharged yet?" Another asks.

"He's healed enough, but I will still have to help him a lot and he will need crutches until he feels steady on his legs again." Joe explains.

"Man, that really sucks. I'm sorry." One empathizes.

"It's ok. The worst part is that another inmate has claimed and marked him and has been abusing him daily until this happened. Once he's released, his abuser won't wait long before he begins abusing him again. There isn't much I can do to stop it either. I do what I can and try to always stay with him, but I'm not around all the time. If me or anyone else intervenes, it will get exponentially worse for him." Joe informs them.

"Wow! That's terrible!" Another inmate comments.

"Yeah, but enough about me. What's going on with you guys?" Joe asks.

"Not much. I had a good meeting with my lawyer today. That gave me some hope." One of them shares.

"That's great! Hope is a very good motivator." Joe replies.

"I had a conjugal visit with my girlfriend earlier today. It was amazing! It put me in a really good mood today. I don't think there's much that can get me down after that." A different one imparts.

All the rest of the men at the table, except Joe are obviously envious and jealous. They start cheering the guy on.

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to share some details with those of us that don't have someone, would you?" Another asks.

"I won't share a ton, but I can describe a few things to you that may help." The other inmate says.

They keep talking about various other subjects and Joe is able to just zone out for a bit. This is what he needed today. It gets lonely in your cell when your cell mate is gone all the time. Joe is just listening and happy to be there. As his mind wanders, he just sits back and relaxes for a few minutes. Joe's a social guy. Being isolated without anyone else to talk to begins to take its toll on him. That added to trying to protect Patrick all the time, makes him feel like he is burning the candle at both ends, and it's only a matter of time before he burns himself out. He tries to put those thoughts out of his head and just focus on letting his mind drift to wherever it wants to go. Joe is in the middle of a wonderful daydream when he feels pressure inside his head. It feels like something is trying to push its way into his mind. It really hurts and gives him an instant headache. It continues to push, and the pressure keeps getting worse. Joe feels like his head is going to explode from the pressure. There was one last big shove and whatever was trying to get in was finally able to break through inside his head, hearing his thoughts. The pressure and the headache subside quickly, and Joe hears what he is pretty sure is Gabe's voice asking him a question.

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