Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Mentions of Graphic Violence and Rape*******

Joe totally knows what is happening. Brad is leaving Gabe there so that he can feed Patrick his blood to make him heal faster, and he needed to be alone to do that. He looks over at Dan, who looks confused.

"You know why we left Gabe there, right?" Joe asks him, keeping his voice down.

"No. Not really. I'm kind of confused." Dan responds.

"Brad left him there so that he could feed Patrick his blood to make him heal faster." Joe explains.

It takes a second to register with Dan.

"Oh! Ok that makes much more sense. Can he really heal him that quickly?" Dan asks.

"I don't know for sure. It has done miracles in the past. I guess we will find out tomorrow." Joe answers.

They stop at Dan's cell first. Brad opens the cell door, Dan walks in, and the door closes behind him.

"Goodnight Dan!" Joe yells.

"Goodnight Joe!" Dan replies.

Now they are on the way back to Joe's cell.

"You left Gabe there to feed Patrick his blood to heal him faster, right?" Joe asks.

"Yes. He also has other healing powers that he might use. Feeding Stump his blood works, but he would have to do it in small amounts at a time, so he doesn't cause Stump to hallucinate. Both of us have been feeding him what we can, but he needs a much bigger dose of it to make that kind of healing take place. Usually, we would just feed it to him, he would hallucinate, and then it would speed up his healing. Gabe feels that he's been through enough, and he doesn't need to add terrifying hallucinations on top of that." Brad informs him.

"Ah! Got it. Well, anything is still better than nothing. He's going to have a long recovery if you two don't intervene." Joe states.

"Yes, which is why I left him there for a longer period of time. He should be doing much better tomorrow." Brad shares.

They reach Joe's cell. Brad opens the door, Joe steps in, and Brad closes the door and leaves.

Joe is pretty tired. It's been a really long and stressful day. At least he knows Patrick is ok, so that will help him sleep better. He takes his shoes off, climbs up into his bed, pulls the covers over him and passes out for the night.


As soon as Brad leaves with Joe and Dan, Gabe walks back into Sugar's room. The nurses ask him to leave until he compels them to let him stay.

"You two have some important work to do in the lab. You will go there and not return for two hours. Do you understand?"

Clara and Sebastien's eyes gloss over and repeat what Gabe just said.

"Yes, we understand." They say in unison and turn around and leave the room to head to the lab.

Once he is alone, Gabe walks up to Sugar's bed. He bites his wrist, opens Sugar's mouth, and begins feeding him his blood. Sugar is so doped up on fentanyl that he doesn't even acknowledge what Gabe is doing. He does this in short sessions, so that it doesn't cause Sugar to hallucinate. The only downside to this method is that it won't be as effective as it would be to just give him a huge dose of blood. Then Gabe stands and walks over to Sugar's abdomen and places his hand on either side. He closes his eyes and allows his targeted healing to do its job. He is able to sense how much worse the damage was and where he is currently at in the healing process. Gabe knows that he is going to have to do this multiple times to make any large dent in his healing process. He works on Sugar's front abdomen first. Then he switches to his back side. He places both of his hands under Sugar's butt cheeks, closes his eyes and slowly heals some of the damage. He must move around because he can't target heal the same place two times in a row. Next, he works on Sugar's legs and feet. Then he moves to Sugar's upper abdomen, arms, hands, and neck. From here he walks to Sugar's head, places his hands on either side of Sugar's head and engages his targeted healing. He knows this will help with the massive concussion that Sugar is currently dealing with.

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