Chapter 67

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!!!!!!!!!!Author's Note!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Friday (technically Saturday) everyone! I hope you all had a great week! We did nothing last weekend, which was nice, the rest of the week was pretty normal. I had to find a new photographer to do our band's photos because the one we'd scheduled flaked on us. Other than that, it was a normal week and we don't plan on doing much over the weekend.

This week, Dan and his friends discuss what they saw, Gabe and Brad begin torturing their prisoners, and Patrick receives some disappointing news from Spencer.Pay attention to the tags and trigger warnings in the next couple weeks. Gabe and Brad's tortures of Mateo, Earnesto, and Jesus will be gruesome and graphic. If this triggers you, you may want to skip those parts.

As always, enjoy, tell your friends, and if you like it, feel free to vote on my story or leave me a comment. Happy reading!

Chapter 67

*******Trigger Warning for Graphic Violence, Torture, and Rape*******

It has been about fifty minutes and Dan, and his friends are finally exiting the tunnel on the other side of the prison. Dan is the first to open the door and emerge from the tunnel followed by each of his friends, who are right behind him. Once they are all out, they gather in a circle to rest after their ordeal, knowing that they are safe and won't be discovered. Many of them are out of breath from traversing the tunnel, so they wait until they are all settled down and back to normal before anyone says a word. They all take the time that they need to calm down and process everything they just experienced and witnessed. It's about twenty minutes later before they all make eye contact with each other and indicate that they are ready to discuss everything. Dan takes the lead and speaks first.

"Let me start by saying thank you for trusting me enough to follow me blindly into a dangerous situation." Dan says.

Mel, Bob, Jason, Phil, and Randy all make eye contact and nod their heads in agreement. Dan then continues.

"Do you all remember when I asked you if you believed that supernatural creatures existed?" Dan asks.

They all nod their heads yes.

"Ok. That was very important. Now, I will explain why. You all remember meeting Joe and discussing his cell mate's very scary predicament, yes? Well, there is much more to the story than that. Joe's cell mate, Patrick, or Dr. Stump has gotten himself into quite the crazy situation. It definitely wasn't what he intended to do, but one of the big gang members' leader offered him his protection when he was first booked into the prison. Patrick turned him down and the gang leader was very angry about that. Since then, the gang leader and the guard he has working for him have been severely abusing him daily. The gang leader has even marked and claimed him by tattooing his name and symbol covering his entire back and the back of Patrick's neck against his will. That is why Joe was trying to form a network of prisoners that could look after Patrick when he wasn't around, and you all agreed to be a part of that network. What you didn't know about at the time was that vampires really exist in our world. The reason that this is important is because the gang leader and his guard are both very old and powerful vampires who have been feeding on him daily. Joe and I didn't feel right about you agreeing to be a part of his network without knowing the whole story and the risks involved with that decision. We knew you'd never believe us if we'd just told you about it. We decided the only way for you to find out and not think we were crazy was if you witnessed it happening in person. After Patrick was attacked by the Nuestra Familia, we knew that the gang leader would plan a retribution attack involving the other vampires in the prison. We figured that was our best shot at showing you.

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