Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

Joe is still there trying to keep Patrick safe the next morning. Patrick hasn't woken up yet. His body is calmer and he is mumbling things to whomever he is talking to in his hallucination. He thinks he heard him say Spencer and wonders what that is all about. All of a sudden, Patrick vomits all over himself. Joe runs to grab something to wipe his mouth off with, finds a towel and runs back to Patrick to clean up the vomit. He also opens Patrick's mouth and wipes it out so that he can't inhale it and turns him on his side. His whole body is now shaking and he is breathing very hard. Joe doesn't think he's having a seizure, so he just sits there and waits for Patrick to wake up. Brad walks past their cell, sees that Patrick is still passed out and hallucinating, smiles a vicious smile and starts laughing.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Brad? Why are you laughing at this?" Joe asks him.

"Nothing, it is just that he had an extremely rough night last night. It felt so good to see him suffering so badly!" Brad replies.

Joe looks at him with a horrified look, which only made Brad laugh more.

"You are one sadistic son of a bitch." Says Joe.

"I know! It is awesome right?" Brad replies.

Joe doesn't even bother answering that question. Brad takes another almost hungry look at Patrick and keeps walking.


Patrick finally wakes up an hour later, screaming and shoots right to a sitting position breathing heavily. He is very disoriented and dizzy and not sure what just happened, but he sees Joe right there next to him.

"Hey. Take it easy. You've been passed out and hallucinating all night." Joe says while rubbing his back.

Patrick looks at Joe and says "Thanks. Man."

Patrick hates how his voice sounds when he talks now. It looks like he will be speaking with a lisp for the foreseeable future because of that stupid tongue piercing that he can't take out. His voice sounds scratchy and strained, probably from all the screaming and the breathing tube that they pulled out.

"How are you feeling?" Joe asks.

He looks at Patrick's face, and he looks a like he is about to vomit again. Patrick pushes him out to the way on a bee line to the toilet to completely empty his stomach contents. He sits there laying his head on his arms when another few bouts comes up. When he is finished, he lays down on his bed on his side, facing Joe. He almost jumps to the ceiling before he remembers what happened last night. He turns on his back.

"I'm in a lot of pain today. It is almost debilitating. My throat hurts and I had the most disturbing and sickening "trip," I guess you would call it. Why do I smell like vomit?" He replies.

"You vomited on yourself before you woke up. I tried to clean it up as best as I could. What happened?" Joe asks.

Patrick tells him about what had happened last night. Joe points to Patrick's nose ring.

"That is new." He says.

"Yeah. That was a nice, painful addition to get the night started off. It still hurts. He said it was for head butting him when he was about to rape me again."

He tells Joe about the tattoos, how painful they were, how he almost bled out from the cuts on his feet, had another weird hallucination, woke up and proceeded to have an asthma attack, all while being fed on by both Brad and Gabe.

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