Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Mentions of Rape*******

Spencer walks out of the Operating Room. The surgery was a success! The damage from the stab wounds turned out to be a bit worse than he was expecting, but he was able to repair everything. Patrick is going to be in even more pain from it for a while though. Once Patrick is brought out of the anesthesia, Spencer will give him a much higher dose of morphine, so he is more comfortable between surgeries. Patrick is moved from the surgical table to a mobile bed and is taken to the recovery room. Spencer changes his scrubs, orders the nurses to clean and set up the OR for the next surgery, and returns to his office. The nurse informs him that the warden called, and he'd like to visit Patrick once he is awake. He must've read the report of the attack and listened to Patrick's statement. It was probably hard for him to hear. He was good friends with Patrick before he was imprisoned. He will call him once Patrick is awake. Besides, he is still waiting for the specialist to arrive. He checks his phone for any messages from him. There is one from his nurse that said that Dr. Franz got held up in emergency surgery at the hospital, so he will be at least two hours later than he was supposed to be there. It also says that they will send updates as they get them. Spencer puts his phone away after that. That's ok. We aren't on a specific time schedule. This will give Patrick more time to recover from this surgery before they start the second, much longer, and much more involved surgery.


Patrick is in the recovery room after his surgery. The Anesthesiologist is there with him. They just injected the medication to wake him into his IV. It will take a few minutes before he wakes up.

Patrick feels super foggy and super tired. He feels like there is a weighted blanket sitting on top of his brain, weighing his whole body down. He's felt this feeling before. He knows he must be waking up from the surgery or he is slowly regaining consciousness. He waits a few minutes, and a layer of the super heavy fog seems to lift. He remembers where he is and some of what is happening, but he's still too tired to wake up. Another few minutes pass, and another layer of fog lifts. He feels himself one step closer to waking up, but he isn't quite there yet. His appendages still feel too heavy to lift, so he waits a little longer. Another layer of fog lifts, then another. He feels like he is getting closer to waking up. He just needs a little more time and a few more layers of fog to lift before he can start trying to open his eyes. He has no concept of time in this state, but it feels like a good amount of time has passed and his brain is much clearer. He feels tingling in his appendages, which means they are regaining feeling. He's almost there, just a few more minutes! He finally feels the last layer of fog lift and decides he needs to try and open his eyes. He puts half of his strength into opening his eyes, but they don't open. He waits for what feels like a few more minutes and then puts everything he has into opening his eyes. He is surprised when his eyes open and he is staring at the ceiling. He turns his head to the right and sees a nurse sitting next to him.

"Welcome back, Patrick! How do you feel?" She asks.

Patrick thinks for a second. He really hasn't been paying attention to how he feels, he was just trying to wake up. All the pain comes roaring back, but there is a lot of new pain in his lower abdomen. He's not sure why. Then he remembers that he just had surgery in that area because he had been stabbed several times. He doesn't feel like he has a ton of control over his mouth and speaking just yet.

"It hurts!" Patrick spits out.

"You just had surgery. I will go get Dr. Smith." She says.

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