Chapter 20

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*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use and Graphic Violence*******

Brad is currently sitting on a chair in Patrick's room, guarding him. It has been two hours and there has been no change that he can see. His blood is roaring through Patrick's veins and slowing mending bones and healing other injuries from the inside out, but nothing is observable as of yet. If he has any chance of being ready for Gabe's plan tonight, he has to speed this up. He thinks it's time to give him more, but he will have to do it in small installments, so that he doesn't cause to hallucinate. He really doesn't need Dr. Smith in here trying to figure out why he is hallucinating again. Although, Dr. Smith did say that he was in a medically induced coma and they were keeping him unconscious so that his body heals faster, so, maybe he could give him a larger amount of blood. If he were to hallucinate, he would be unconscious so he wouldn't be talking out loud or anything. Brad decides a larger dose is the way to go, but he can't let anyone see him. This room is pretty private. He might have to pull the blinds so that no one can see in. He goes about doing that. He closes all the blinds that let others see into the room. Finally, he locks the only door in and out of the room. He does one final check to make sure no one can see him and then he approaches Patrick's bed. Brad opens Patrick's mouth, bites his wrist and lets the blood flow down Patrick's throat, giving him much more blood than before. This would probably equate to four times what he gave him before. With this amount, he should start recovering much quicker. When Brad is done, he licks the bite marks on his wrist to close them and wipes any excess blood off of Patrick's mouth and the breathing tube and closes Patrick's mouth to where it was before. Now he just has to sit back and wait for his blood to do its work. Brad takes his seat in the chair on the other side of the room. I wonder what kinds of awful, terrifying things he will see this time!


*Patrick and Joe are sitting in their cell. They are both trading embarrassing stories. Joe goes first.

"So this one time, my family decided it would be a cool idea to go to a Civil War reenactment. I have no idea why they thought this would be fun, because it was boring as fuck. There are two camps, one for the Union, and one for the Confederates. As visitors you go and tour both camps to get an idea of what they were like. There are even some places where you can get booze, which was the only fun part of it. Everyone is talking like they did back then so it was a little confusing. Anyway, while we were touring the Union camp, one of the soldiers put a piece of paper with important stuff written on it in the back pocket of my jeans and I had no idea. Fast forward to like an hour later, and these Confederate soldiers come up to me and said that they were arresting me for being a Union spy or some shit. I had no idea what they were talking about. I just told them that I had visited the Union camp but nothing happened. They held their guns pointed at me and told me to stand still because they were going to search me. My parents thought this was fun and I was special or something for getting chosen or some shit. I don't really know. Well, of course, they found this piece of paper that someone had put in my pocket, showing the cannon positions on the Confederate side of the battlefield. Then they put me in handcuffs and locked me in their jail, until the matter had been thoroughly researched. An hour later dragged me to a tree where they were going to 'execute me.' I was like wtf? I played along, because I guess that was what I was supposed to do, begging for my life and what not. They decided to spare me, and once the crowd that had gathered was gone, they released me. We stayed and watched the battle and then we went home. The battle was pretty cool. They were using the cannons and their guns. I'm not sure how they decided who was supposed to die and who was supposed to live, but yeah. I mean, how is that supposed to be fun? Maybe if they had tipped me off as to what was happening, it might have been more fun, but it was kind of traumatizing and embarrassing. I told my parents that I never wanted to go to one of those ever again, and that was that. They never dragged me to anything like that ever again." Patrick is sitting there trying not to bust out laughing about the whole thing, but fails. He burst out laughing so hard that his side started to hurt!

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