Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

*******Trigger Warning for Mentions of Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

Joe and Dan are outside planting some new hydrangea bushes in a shaded area of the prison. They are such beautiful flowers! These ones will be blue when they start producing blooms. Joe finds he needs a specific tool to start planting the rest. The soil over on this side of the prison was much rockier than the soil on the other side. A simple garden trowel won't get the job done. He reaches back to grab that tool and finds it is not in its place. Well, fuck! Where did I leave it? Did it fall out of my tool belt? The prisoners that work on yard maintenance must be very careful with their tools. If they lose one, there is a very good chance that they will never get it back. Joe stands up and looks around where they are currently working and doesn't find it.

"Hey Dan, I'll be right back. I can't seem to find the tool I need to plant the next bushes. I think it may have fallen out of my tool belt. I'm going to retrace my steps. I should be back relatively quickly." Joe says.

"Alright. See you in a bit." Dan says.

Joe starts by looking between this area and the area where they planted the last batch. He walks slowly with his eyes to the ground, hoping to find it. He doesn't find it there, so he starts heading to the entrance of the building. He had been in there recently to get some water and take a short break. He opens the door and walks in, staring at the ground like an eagle. He walks to every place that he's visited inside the building, and he finally finds it in front of the back entrance to the building. He bends over to pick it up and ends up bumping into someone. Please don't be the Nuestra Familia!

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! Please don't hurt me!" Joe begs.

When he stands and turns around, he sees Alex and two other inmates.

"We aren't going to hurt you, Joe." Alex says.

Alex turns to the other two inmates.

"Give us a few minutes. I will join you shortly." Alex says to the other two inmates.

Alex and Joe wait until they can't see them anymore before continuing.

"What are you doing inside?" Alex asks.

"I was looking for a garden tool that fell off my toolbelt. When I saw it, I bent over to pick it up and ran into you. After what happened with Patrick, I don't know what other inmates are capable of." Joe answers.

"Yeah. I could definitely see that. How is he doing?" Alex asks.

"He was in pretty bad shape the last time I saw him. He had one surgery this morning and is currently in another surgery. We visited him between surgeries when he was awake. He was pretty doped up on whatever drugs Spencer was giving him though. I don't know any more than that." Joe states.

"Have you heard of any plans for retaliation?" Alex asks.

"Actually yes. Gabe approached me to ask if I wanted to be involved in those plans, given my skill set. I told him that I would love to, but that I couldn't risk adding any more time to my sentence if I got caught. This is completely unrelated, but do you believe in vampires? Joe asks.

Alex freezes for a second. Had Joe somehow found out that he was a vampire, or was he asking because there were others inside the prison? He tries to play it cool.

"Yeah, I guess. I've heard about some pretty disturbing things that have occurred in the prison." Alex answers.

"Ok. Please don't think I'm crazy, but I actually witnessed one feeding on someone. That is how I know they exist. Anyway, Gabe made a very tempting offer. He is a vampire and he offered to compel anyone who sees me to forget that I was ever there or involved." Joe informs him.

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