Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

*******Trigger Warning for Drug Use, Mentions of Graphic Violence and Rape*******

Brad decides that he at least needs to tell Gabe, Trohman, Pawlovich that Stump is awake. He knows Gabe would want him to stay here, so he stands up and looks at Stump and the nurses.

"I'm going to step out for a minute. I will be right back." Brad says.

They all nod and he walks out of sickbay to get someone here who can relay a message to the others. He grabs his radio and calls dispatch.

"Guard Brad to dispatch, come in dispatch." Brad calls.

"This is dispatch. Go ahead Brad." They answer.

"I need another guard sent to sick bay. I have an important message that needs to be relayed to several people and I can't leave sick bay right now." Brad explains.

"Roger that. A guard will be sent to sick bay. ETA is fifteen minutes. Was there anything else?" They ask.

"No that was it. Thank you. Guard Brad out." Brad replies.

Satisfied with the answer, Brad walks back into sick bay and heads to the recovery room.


Patrick is still lying in his bed in the recovery room. He has managed to keep down the apple juice and the oyster crackers, it is only a matter of time before the nurses will come to move him back to his private room. He notices Brad leave for a few minutes but then he returns and goes back to sitting in his chair in the corner quietly. Patrick doesn't think too much of it though because the only thing he can focus on is the terrible pain that is wracking his entire body. Once they move me back to my room, I can have more pain meds. Shortly after that he sees Clara and Sebastien go into his private room and prepare it for him so it will be comfortable. He sees them lining the bed with two layers of pillows followed by what looks like a memory foam mattress topper. When they are satisfied with their work, they return to Patrick's bedside to explain what is going to happen.

"How are you feeling now, Patrick?" Clara asks.

"Pretty much the same, except my pain is slightly better than before." Patrick answers.

"Spencer has asked us to move you back to your private room. Do you think you can handle that?" Sebastien asks.

"I know it's going to be incredibly painful, and I might scream bloody murder, but it's not like I have a choice. I do have a question though. Why am I not feeling the urge to go to the bathroom?" Patrick asks.

"We had to catharize you for the surgery because it lasted so long. You are still catharized and you will probably stay that way at least until tomorrow morning." Clara replies.

"Oh ok. I guess that makes sense. I'm in so much pain, I didn't even notice that." Patrick comments.

Sebastien and Clara release the brakes on his bed and begin rolling his bed into his room and line it up next to the stationary bed.

"Do you think you can help us move you, or do you need us to move you ourselves?" Clara asks.

"Usually, I would say I can help you, but everything hurts so much right now that I'm not sure how much I can actually move." Patrick responds.

"That's fine. We don't want you to push yourself right now. We will do it for you." Sebastien assures him.

They both grab an arm and a leg on both sides.

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