Chapter 65

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!!!!!!!!!!!!Author's Note!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone!  I'm trying something new in an attempt to get more people to read my story!  I will be including authors notes at the beginning of each chapter from now on!  Happy Friday! I'm camping in our travel-trailer in Napa this weekend because it was the only place where the weather was slightly better. If you don't know, most of CA is having a serious heatwave with temperatures over 100 with some places where they are 115 or higher. We found that Napa's temperatures were going to be slightly better, so we came here.  Anyways, I hope everyone is having a fun and safe 4th of July this weekend!

This week, Joe beats the shit out of Mateo, Luke keeps torturing his human in exceedingly graphic, violent, and disgusting ways, Dan and his friends see what they need to see and look for an opportunity to get out safely, Jesus reflects on his situation, and Mark is waiting for the inmates to finish up beating their gang member, finally knocking on the door to tell the guards they are finished and to unlock the door.

Please check the trigger warnings on this chapter! It mainly pertains to Luke's torture of his human. He's clearly a sadistic, psychopathic vampire so his torture methods are especially imaginative and gross, so if this triggers you, you may want to skip those parts. Stay safe everyone!

Enjoy, tell your friends and if you like it or would like to discuss it with me, leave me a comment or vote on my story.  You can also talk to me directly on tumblr @dancecoaster or on my profile. Happy reading!


Chapter 65

*******Trigger Warning for Graphic Violence, Extreme Torture and Gore and Rape*******

Joe is ready to fight again and decides he wants to beat up Mateo first. Jesus is still sitting on the beds across the room, unable to move or talk because Gabe is controlling him. Earnesto's broken and bloody body is on one of the beds as well, screaming and crying out in absolute agony while everyone is watching Joe beat the fuck out of Mateo.

"So, you are the one that suggested that everyone gangbang my cell mate and friend, huh? Let's see how much you enjoy getting beaten until you are within an inch of your life!" Joe exclaims.

"Yes. It was me. He was hot and I wanted in on the action. Please have mercy on me!" Mateo begs.

"Your mouth isn't going to save you this this time, Mateo!" Joe responds by punching Mateo very hard across his face, breaking his cheekbone. Mateo tries to swing back at him and misses by a landslide. The man has absolutely no fighting skills, so this is going to go by quickly. Joe punches him in the face a few more times before kneeing him in the gut. Joe gets in a few blows with his elbows while Mateo is hunched over. Mateo stands upright again before getting kicked in the groin repeatedly. He grabs at his groin and Joe kicks his legs out from underneath him, landing him flat on his back. Mateo thinks that is it, but there is no way that Joe is letting him off that easy. Joe stomps on his stomach and kicks him on his sides several times. Joe then stomps on his right wrist, shattering the bones in it. Mateo just stays on the floor.

"Get the fuck up, you fat, slimy, disgusting piece of shit! This isn't even close to over! I'm going to make you suffer as much as my cell mate did!" Joe says.

Mateo gets off the floor and stands upright again. He swings at Joe but misses again and Joe repays that by grabbing his arm and twisting it back until it pops out of the socket. Mateo screams out in pain. Next, Joe takes his right hand where he shattered the bones in his wrist and flips Mateo over onto the floor. He gets up again and tries to rush Joe, but he misses again, face planting onto the floor. Joe takes this opportunity to stomp on his back and use his kidneys as punching bags. Mateo gets up again, only for Joe to kick him in his head, chest, and back. Time to inflict massive pain. Joe continues to punch and kick Mateo in the face, chest, and abdomen until he catches Mateo off guard and kicks his feet out from underneath him. Mateo falls onto his back and his head bounces off the floor a few times. Joe takes advantage of his position and kicks him in the sides again and jumps up and down on his lower left leg until he feels the bones shatter. Mateo cries out from the pain as Joe does the same on his lower right leg. He can't stand up anymore. Joe shatters his knee and thigh bones on his right leg while Mateo continues to scream and beg him to stop. That's so no happening. Since Joe is fucking up his right leg, he grabs Mateo's right foot, pulls, and twists it until he feels it come out of the socket then he moves up that leg and dislocates every joint that Mateo has including his hip bone. His leg is now sticking out in unnatural directions.

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