Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

*******Trigger Warning for Mentions of Drug Use, Graphic Violence, and Rape*******

Gabe and Brad were waiting outside the location of group four. They were trading ideas on what the prisoners might be thinking will happen to them, and if they will turn on each other.

"One of my guesses is that they think that the room will fill with poisonous gas from the heating system and kill all of them. If I had to guess, I'd say that Mateo will turn on both of them to try and save himself. From the little I've heard about the man, it sounds like he is like a slimy, little weasel that will do anything to save himself." Gabe shares.

"Ooo, ooo, my turn! I would guess that that they think that we will release ravenous dogs on them that will tear them apart. I would agree about Mateo, but I would also say that the leader, Jesus will turn on Earnesto in a heartbeat." Brad imagines.

"That's a good one, Brad. Hmm...I guess that they might think that we are going to waterboard them until they die." Gabe suggests.

"Ok, I could see that one. My guess would be that they think we are going to burn them alive like they were witches in Salem." Brad contemplates.

"Another good one! I would love to see something like that happen. Your brain is so twisted, and I love it!" Gabe praises.

"Thanks, boss." Brad replies.

Gabe looks down at his watch and sees that they are only a few minutes away from it being an hour, meaning that they will enter the room and begin their tortures.

"We have time for one more. My guess would be that they think we are going to dissect and dismember them." Gabe muses.

"That's a good one too, boss. I would love to see that. My guess is that they think we are going to bury them alive, and they will slowly die from lack of oxygen." Brad responds.

"Also, another good one, Brad. Well, we are coming up on our time. Are you ready for an exciting day of sick and twisted torture?" Gabe asks.

"Absolutely! I can't think of a better way to spend my day! When are you going to have Trohman come?" Brad asks.

"I'd like to introduce myself and explain to them what awaits them for the rest of the day. Then I will reach out to Joe and have him come here." Gabe answers.

"Ok. Sounds good, boss. I'm so excited!" Brad exclaims, unable to keep the excitement to himself.

"As am I. Just remember the goal for today. Maximum pain and suffering for as long as possible. Killing them repeatedly might also be fun. Now, let's go meet our victims." Gabe suggests.

They walk to the door, unlock it, step inside, lock it, and walk into the room, where they find three men cowering together in the corner of the room. Gabe makes Brad go, grab each one, and drag them until they are sitting in front of him. Gabe loves that they are completely terrified. If they only knew what was coming. Gabe smiles.

"Good morning, gentleman. How are you all doing on this beautiful day?" Gabe asks.

They all look at each other, confused, but they don't answer.

"Not too talkative, are you? Are you not morning people? Brad, why don't you go encourage them to participate.

"With pleasure!" Brad says as he walks behind them and kicks each one very hard in their backs.

They all cry out as they are each kicked.

"Now, let's try this again. How are you all doing on this beautiful day?" Gabe asks again.

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